Applies to version: 0.9.8

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baumgartner2014_likelistat - - Likelihood statistics for evaluation of model performance


[la,le,ci,lr,pvalue] = baumgartner2014_likelistat(p,tang,rang,target,response,varargin)

Input arguments: 'p pdf matrix'

'tang' polar angles of possible target angles
'rang' polar angles of possible response angles
'target' target polar angles of localization test
'response' response polar angles of localization test
'varargin' Use 'normalize for normalization of likelihoods. 1 corresponds to unitary likelihood. This is the default. Use 'original' according to Langendijk et al. (2002).

Output arguments: 'la actual likelihood'

'le' expected likelihood
'ci' 99% confidence interval for expected likelihood
'lr' reference likelihoods 1st dim: unimodal (1 gaussian dist.: std=17 deg, mu=0) 2nd dim: bimodal (2 gaussians: mu1=0, mu2=180) 3rd dim: trimodal (mu1=0, mu2=90, mu3=180) 4th dim: unitary