[XCORR,LAGS] = may2011_xcorrnorm(INL,INR) [XCORR,LAGS] = may2011_xcorrnorm(INL,INR,MAXLAG,bDETREND,bNORM)
INL | left input arranged as [nSamples x nChannels] |
INR | right input arranged as [nSamples x nChannels] |
MAXLAG | computation is performned over the lag range -MAXLAG:MAXLAG (default, MAXLAG = nSamples-1) |
bDETREND | substract mean (default, bDETREND = true) |
bNORM | normalization flag (default, bNORM = true) |
XCORR | cross-correlation function [nSamples x nChannels] |
LAGS | time lags of cross-correlation function [2*MAXLAG+1 x 1] |
may2011_xcorrnorm calculates the normalized cross-correlation function. It outputs both, the function itself, and the time lags used.