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filterbank of Dietz 2011 binaural model


[...] = dietz2011_filterbank(insig,fs,fc);

Input parameters:

insig binaural signal for which values should be calculated
fs sampling rate (Hz)
fc center frequencies of gammatone filterbank

Output parameters:

outsig_fine output signal of fine structure filter
fc_fine center frequencies processed with fine structure filter
outsig_env output signal of envelope filter
fc_env center frequencies processed with modulation filter
outsig_ild output signal of ILD filter


dietz2011_filterbank(insig,fs,fc) filters all frequency channels of insig with a modulation filterbank consisting of three filters. One centered at the center frequencies for the fine structure of the signals. One centered at a fixed frequency of 135 Hz for the envelope of the signals. And one a lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of 30 Hz for the calculation of the interaural level difference.

dietz2011_filterbank accepts the following optional parameters:

'filter_order',fo Filter order for the two gammatone filter used for the fine structure and envelope of the modulation filter bank. The default value is 2.
 Filter attenuation for the two gammatone filter used for the fine structure and envelope of the modulation filter bank. The default value is 10.
 Filter finesse (determines the bandwidth with fc/finesse) for the fine structure gammatone filter. The defulat value is 3.
 Center frequency of the gammatone envelope filter. The default value is 135.
 Filter finesse (determines the bandwidth with fc/finesse) for the envelope gammatone filter. The defulat value is 8.
 Cutoff frequency off the low pass filter used for ILD calculation. The default value is 30.
 Order of low pass filter for the ILD calculation. The default value is 2.


M. Dietz, S. D. Ewert, and V. Hohmann. Auditory model based direction estimation of concurrent speakers from binaural signals. Speech Communication, 53(5):592--605, 2011. [ DOI ]