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BISCHOF2023_FILTERBANK - filterbank used in model bischof2023


[sig_out,gt_out,fc] = bischof2023_filterbank(sig_in,N,len,fs,f_range)

Input parameters

sig_in Input time signal to be filtered
N Filter order of the gammatone filters (default: 4)
len Filter length in samples (default: 512)
fs Sampling frequency in Hz(default: 44100)
f_range (optional) Defines the upper and lower frequencies for the bark filterbank and chooses the right channel

Output parameters


Matrix with filtered input signal. The matrix dimensions are:

size(sig_out,1): length(signal)

size(sig_out,2): numer of used bark bands(either defined by fs of f_range)

size(sig_out,3): number of channels of sig_in

gt_out Matrix with all gammatone filters
fc Center frequencies of used bark filters


BISCHOF2023_FILTERBANK creates BARK-scaled gammatone filters and filters the input signal. Corner frequencies of Bark Scale according to Zwicker (1961).


E. Zwicker. Subdivision of the audible frequency range into critical bands (frequenzgruppen). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 33(2):248--248, 1961. [ DOI ]

T. Gunawan and E. Ambikairajah. Speech enhancement using temporal masking and fractional bark gammatone filters. In 10th International Conference on Speech Science & Technology, pages 420--425, Sydney, Australia, 2004.