function [outsig, delay] = gfb_delay_process(delay, insig)
%GFB_DELAY_PROCESS Filterbank delay processing
% Usage: [outsig, delay] = gfb_delay_process(delay, insig)
% Input parameters:
% delay : A `gfb_delay` structure created from |gfb_delay_new|. The delay
% will be returned with updated delayline states as the second
% return parameter
% insig : A complex matrix containing the signal to delay. Each row
% corresponds to a filterbank band
% Output parameters:
% outsig : A real matrix containing the delay's output
% `gfb_delay_process(delay, insig)` will delay each band (row) of the
% input data *insig* by a band-dependent amount of samples, then
% multiplied with a band-dependent complex constant. Finally, the real
% part of this product will be returned.
% See also: gfb_delay_new
% copyright: Universitaet Oldenburg
% author : tp
% date : Jan 2002, Nov 2006
[number_of_bands, number_of_samples] = size(insig);
if (number_of_bands ~= length(delay.delays_samples))
error('input rows must match the number of bands');
outsig = zeros(number_of_bands, number_of_samples);
for band = [1:number_of_bands]
if (delay.delays_samples(band) == 0)
outsig(band,:) = ...
real(insig(band,:) * delay.phase_factors(band));
tmp_out = [delay.memory(band,1:delay.delays_samples(band)), ...
real(insig(band,:) * delay.phase_factors(band))];
delay.memory(band,1:delay.delays_samples(band)) = ...
outsig(band,:) = tmp_out(1:number_of_samples);