function data = data_majdak2013ctc(varargin)
%DATA_MAJDAK2013CTC Listener-specific localization in sagittal planes
% Usage: data = data_majdak2013ctc(condition)
% data = data_majdak2013ctc(lat, dlat, condition)
% Output parameters:
% : listener ID
% data.mtx : experimental data matrix conaining 9 colums
% col 1: target azimuth
% col 2: target elevation
% col 3: response azimuth
% col 4: response elevation
% col 5: lateral angle of target
% col 6: polar angle of target
% col 7: lateral angle of response
% col 8: polar angle of response
% `data_majdak2013ctc(condition)` returns listener-specific experimental
% data from Majdak et al. (2013) testing localization performance in
% sagittal planes for repeated HRTF measurements motivated by CTC binaural
% synthesis.
% The *condition* flag may be one of:
% 'A' First HRTF measurement. This is the default.
% 'B' Second HRTF measurement.
% References: majdak2013ctc
% AUTHOR: Robert Baumgartner
%% Check input options
% Define input flags
definput.flags.condition = {'A','B'};
% Parse input options
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
%% Extract data
if not(exist([mfilename '.mat'],'file'))
disp(['Downloading ' mfilename ' from']);
targetfn = fullfile(amtbasepath,'humandata',[mfilename '.mat']);
sourcefn = ['' mfilename '.mat'];
C = find(ismember(condition,flags.condition));
for ll = 1:length(subject)
data(ll).mtx = subject(ll).expData{C}(:,1:8);
data(ll).id = subject(ll).id;