function outsig = transposedtone(siglen,fc,fm,fs,varargin)
%TRANSPOSEDTONE Transposed tone test stimuli
% Usage: ts = transposedtone(fc,fm,dur,fs);
% Input parameters:
% siglen : Length of signal
% fc : Vector of carrier frequencies (Hz)
% fm : Vector of modulation frequencies (Hz)
% fs : Sampling frequency (Hz)
% Output parameters:
% outsig : transposed tone (column vector)
% `transposedtone(siglen,fc,fm,dur,fs)` generates a transposed tone test
% stimuli as defined in Kolrausch et. al (1997).
% By default, the output is normalized to have an RMS value of 1, but this
% can be changed by passing any of the flags from the `normalize` function.
% Some example parameters as used in a study by Santurette::
% siglen = 44100;
% fc = 5000;
% fm = 435;
% fs = 44100;
% outsig = transposedtone(fc,fm,dur,fs);
% References:kohlrausch1997detection oxenham2004correct
% Author: Sébastien Santurette 2009
if nargin<4
error('Too few input parameters.');
% time vector
t = (0:siglen-1)/fs;
% number of tones
n = length(fc);
outsig = zeros(siglen,1);
for ii = 1:n
% carrier tone
carrier = cos(2*pi*fc(ii)*t);
% "modulator"
hrsine = sin(2*pi*fm(ii)*t);
% half-wave rectify the modulator
hrsine = max(0,hrsine);
% Compute coefficients for low-pass filtering
fcuth = .2*fc(ii)/(fs/2);
[b,a] = butter(4,fcuth,'low');
% Low-pass filter the modulator
hrsine = filter(b,a,hrsine);
% Add the carrier*modulator to the transposed tone
outsig = outsig+(carrier.*hrsine)';