function op = plotjelfs2011(target_azim,database)
%PLOTJELFS2011 Plot output from jelf2011
% Usage: plotjelfs2011(target_azim,database);
% `plotjelfs2011(target_azim,database)` will plot the output of the
% `jelfs2011` binaural speech intelligibility advantage model for a
% selected target azimuth angle. The masker position will move over a
% full circle in the horizontal plane, and the output is visualized on
% a polar plot.
% The *database* parameter selects the HRIR database to use. Please
% see the help of |read_hrtf|.
% Examples:
% ---------
% Target angle of 0, database is `kemar`:::
% plotjelfs2011(0,'kemar');
% See also: jelfs2011, culling2005bmld, read_hrtf
step = 5;
n_op = 360/step+1;
op = zeros(n_op,3);
angles = (0:step:360)'*pi/180;
for direction_num = 1:n_op
op(direction_num,:) = jelfs2011({target_azim, database}, ...
{(direction_num-1)*step, database});
polar([angles angles angles], op);
function op = test_jelfs2011(targ_azim,int_azims,database)
padding = zeros(1024,2);
if strncmp(database,'siemens',7)
fs = 48000;
fs = 44100;
int_ir = [];
target_ir = read_hrtf(0,targ_azim,database);
for i=1:length(int_azims)
int_ir = [int_ir; read_hrtf(0,int_azims(i),database); padding];
int_ir = int_ir/sqrt(length(int_azims));
op = jelfs2011([target_ir; padding],int_ir,fs);