[fcs_EPSM outSNRenvs ] = joergensen2011snrenv(MixEnv,NoiseEnv,fs);
MixEnv | The envelope of a signal which have been processed in some way |
NoiseEnv | The noise envelope with/without processing |
fs | Sampling frequency |
outSNRenvs | \(1\times 7\) vector of overall SNRenv's in dB, one for each modulation filter center frequency |
fcs_EPSM | center-frequencies of the modulation filterbank |
sEPSM_ExPtns | Envelope power excitation patterns for of the input |
[fcs_EPSM,outSNRenvs]=joergensen2011snrenv(MixEnv,NoiseEnv,fs) calculates the SNRenv for the processed signal.