This documentation page applies to an outdated major AMT version. We show it for archival purposes only.
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ir=simulatedimpulseresponses(duration); [ir,fs]=simulatedimpulseresponses(duration);
simulatedimpulseresponses(duration) returns a simulated impulse response of length duration, where the duration is measured in seconds. Only four durations (T30) are possible to select: 0.4, 0.7, 1.3, and 2.3 seconds.
[ir,fs]=simulatedimpulseresponses(duration) also returns the sampling frequency, fs = 44100 Hz.
The impulse responses were created using the ODEON room acoustic software version 10 (Christensen, 2009). The simulated room was shaped like an auditorium with maximal dimensions of 28x16x10m (length-width-height).
The source and the receiver were horizontally with a fixed distance of 5m, and placed approximately the center of the room. All surfaces had the same coefficient, which was adjusted individually frequency such that the room had similar reverberation (T30) in the octave bands from 63 to 8000 Hz.
The corresponding clarity (C50), defined as the ratio of the energy of first 50 ms of the impulse response to the energy of the part, was 0.60, -2.9, -6.6, and -8.0 dB for the four different lengths, respectively.