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plot_langendijk2002 - plots pdf-matrixes with gray colormap according to Langendijk et al. (2002)



Input parameters

p pdf-matrix for all target and response positions
rang response angles
tang target angles

plot_langendijk2002(p,rang,tang) plots predicted probability mass vectors as a function of response angles rang and target angles tang with gray color coded probabilities similar to Langendijk et al. (2002).

h=plot_langendijk2002(...) additionally returns the figure handle.

plotlagendijk takes the following flags at the end of the line of input arguments:

'colorbar' Display the colorbar. This is the default.
'nocolorbar' Do not display the colorbar.


E. Langendijk and A. Bronkhorst. Contribution of spectral cues to human sound localization. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112:1583-1596, 2002.