%DEMO_MCLACHLAN2021 Demo for dynamic full sphere localization model based on
% Reijniers et al. (2014)
% DEMO_MCLACHLAN2021(flag) demonstrates how to compute and visualize
% the baseline prediction (localizing broadband sounds with own ears)
% on the full sphere using the localization model from Reijniers et al. (2014).
% Figure 1: Baseline prediction
% This demo computes the baseline prediction (localizing broadband
% sounds with own ears) for an exemplary listener (NH12).
% Averaged polar and lateral accuracy
% See also: mclachlan2021 mclachlan2021 plot_reijniers2014
% reijniers2014_metrics
% Url: http://amtoolbox.sourceforge.net/amt-0.10.0/doc/demos/demo_mclachlan2021.php
% Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Piotr Majdak and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.0.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% #Author : Glen McLachlan
%% Settings
az = []; % azimuth target angle in degrees
el = []; % elevation target angle in degrees
rot_type = 'yaw'; % rotation type ('yaw','pitch','roll')
rot_size = 0.1; % rotation amount in degrees
num_exp = 10; % # of virtual experimental runs
sig_itdi = 1; % variance on subsequent looks
amt_disp('Experiment conditions:','documentation');
for i=1:length(az)
amt_disp(sprintf(' Azimuth: %0.1f deg, Elevation: %0.1f deg', ...
az(i), el(i)),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Repetitions: %i', num_exp));
%% Get listener's data
SOFA_obj = SOFAload(fullfile(SOFAdbPath,'baumgartner2013', ...
'ARI_NH12_hrtf_M_dtf 256.sofa'));
%SOFA_obj = SOFAload('HRIR_L2354.sofa');
%% Preprocessing source information for both directions
[template, target] = mclachlan2021_featureextraction(SOFA_obj, ...
'targ_az', az, 'targ_el', el);
%% Run virtual experiments
[doa, params] = mclachlan2021(template, target, 'num_exp', num_exp, ...
'rot_type', rot_type, 'rot_size', rot_size, 'sig_itdi', sig_itdi);
%met = mclachlan_metrics(doa, .....);
%% Calculate performance measures
amt_disp('Performance Predictions:','documentation');
met = reijniers2014_metrics(doa, 'middle_metrics');
met.entropy = mean(params.entropy);
met.information = mean(params.information);
amt_disp(sprintf(' Lateral accuracy: %0.2fdeg', met.accL),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Lateral RMS: %0.2f', met.rmsL),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Elevation accuracy: %0.2fdeg', met.accE),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Polar RMS: %0.2f', met.rmsP),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Quadrant error: %0.6f%%',met.querr),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Mean entropy: %0.2fbits', met.entropy),'documentation');
met.nexp = num_exp;
met.rot_type = rot_type;
met.rot_size = rot_size;
met.sig = 1;
met.coords = target.coords;
met.post_prob = params.post_prob;
%% Plot results
% this only works if all directions are tested
title('Information for yaw=0.1 in bits')