Applies to version: 1.0.0

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HAUTH2020_SRMR - Computes the speech-to-reverberation modulation energy ratio of the given signal


[ratio, energy] = hauth2020_srmr(s, fs, 'fast', 0, 'norm', 0, 'minCF', 4, 'maxCF', 128)

Input parameters

s either the path to a WAV file or an array containing a single-channel speech sentence.
fs sampling rate of the data in s. If s is the path to a WAV file, this parameter has to be omitted.

Output parameters

ratio the SRMR score.
energy a 3D matrix with the per-frame modulation spectrum extracted from the input.


Optional parameters:

'fast',F flag to activate (F = 1)/deactivate (F = 0) the fast implementation. The default is 'fast', 0 (this can be omitted).
'norm',N flag to activate (N = 1)/deactivate (N = 0) the normalization step in the modulation spectrum representation, used for variability reduction. The default is 'norm', 0.
'minCF',cf1 value of the center frequency of the first filter in the modulation filterbank. The default value is 4 Hz.
'maxCF',cf8 value of the center frequency of the first filter in the modulation filterbank. The default value is 128 Hz if the normalization is off and 30 Hz if normalization is on.

This code has been derived from the SRMR toolbox.