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function data = data_baumgartner2014(varargin)
%DATA_BAUMGARTNER2014 Data from Baumgartner et al. (2014)
% Usage: data = data_baumgartner2014(flag)
% DATA_BAUMGARTNER2014(flag) returns data from Baumgartner et al. (2014)
% describing a model for sound localization in sagittal planes (SPs)
% on the basis of listener-specific directional transfer functions (DTFs).
% The flag may be one of:
% 'pool' DTFs and calibration data of the pool. This is the
% default.
% 'baseline' Same as 'pool', but also with experimental data for
% baseline condition.
% The fields in the output contains the following information
% .id listener ID
% .S listener-specific sensitivity parameter
% .Obj DTF data in SOFA Format
% .pe_exp experimental local polar RMS error
% .qe_exp experimental quadrant error rate
% .target experimental target angles
% .response experimental response angles
% .itemlist experimental item list. Columns denote:
% 1:4 ... azi_target,ele_target,azi_response,ele_response
% 5:8 ... lat_target,pol_target,lat_response,pol_response
% 9 ... F/B-Confusion resolved pol_response
% Requirements:
% -------------
% 1) SOFA API from for Matlab (in e.g. thirdparty/SOFA)
% 2) Data in hrtf/baumgartner2014
% Examples:
% ---------
% To get all listener-specific data of the pool, use:
% data_baumgartner2014('pool');
% To get all listener-specific data of the pool including experimental
% baseline data, use:
% data_baumgartner2014('baseline');
% See also: baumgartner2014, exp_baumgartner2014
% Url:
% #Author: Robert Baumgartner
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% TODO: explain Data in description;
%% ------ Check input options --------------------------------------------
% Define input flags
definput.flags.type = {'pool','baseline'};
definput.flags.HRTFformat = {'sofa','ari'};
% Parse input options
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({'mrsmsp','gamma'},definput,varargin);
%% Listener pool (listener-specific SP-DTFs)
if flags.do_pool || flags.do_baseline
listeners = {'NH12';'NH15';'NH21';'NH22';'NH33';'NH39';'NH41';'NH42';'NH43';...
for ii = 1:length(data)
data(ii).S = kv.S; % default sensitivity
data(ii).Obj = SOFAload(...
['ARI_' data(ii).id '_hrtf_M_dtf 256.sofa'])...
data(ii).fs = data(ii).Obj.Data.SamplingRate;
%% Calibration of S
fncalib = ['calibration_g' num2str(kv.gamma,'%u') ...
'_mrs' num2str(kv.mrsmsp,'%u') ...
'_do' num2str(,'%u')];
c = amt_cache('get',fncalib,flags.cachemode);
if isempty(c) || not(isequal(c.kv,kv))
data = loadBaselineData(data);
amt_disp('Calibration procedure started. Please wait!');
data = baumgartner2014_calibration(data,kv); = rmfield(data,{'Obj','itemlist','fs','target','response'}); % reduce filesize
c.kv = kv;
if flags.do_baseline
data = loadBaselineData(data);
for ss = 1:length(data)
for ii = 1:length(
if strcmp(data(ss).id,
data(ss).S =;
% end
function s = loadBaselineData(s)
latseg = [-20,0,20];
dlat = 10;
% Experimental baseline data
numchan = data_goupell2010('BB');
methods = data_majdak2010('Learn_M');
spatstrat = data_majdak2013('BB');
% ctc = data_majdak2013ctc('A');
ctcL = data_majdak2013ctc('Learn');
for ll = 1:length(s)
s(ll).itemlist = [];
s(ll).itemlist = [s(ll).itemlist ; numchan(ismember({},s(ll).id)).mtx];
s(ll).itemlist = [s(ll).itemlist ; methods(ismember({},s(ll).id)).mtx];
s(ll).itemlist = [s(ll).itemlist ; spatstrat(ismember({},s(ll).id)).mtx];
% s(ll).itemlist = [s(ll).itemlist ; ctcA(ismember({},s(ll).id)).mtx];
% s(ll).itemlist = [s(ll).itemlist ; ctcB(ismember({},s(ll).id)).mtx];
s(ll).itemlist = [s(ll).itemlist ; ctcL(ismember({},s(ll).id)).mtx];
s(ll).pe_exp = localizationerror(s(ll).itemlist,'rmsPmedianlocal');
s(ll).qe_exp = localizationerror(s(ll).itemlist,'querrMiddlebrooks');
for ii = 1:length(latseg)
latresp = s(ll).itemlist(:,7);
idlat = latresp <= latseg(ii)+dlat & latresp > latseg(ii)-dlat;
mm2 = s(ll).itemlist(idlat,:);
s(ll).pe_exp_lat(ii) = localizationerror(mm2,'rmsPmedianlocal');
s(ll).qe_exp_lat(ii) = localizationerror(mm2,'querrMiddlebrooks');
s(ll).target{ii} = mm2(:,6); % polar angle of target
s(ll).response{ii} = mm2(:,8); % polar angle of response
s(ll).Ntargets{ii} = length(s(ll).target{ii});