%DEMO_BARUMERLI2023 Demo for full sphere localization model from Barumerli et al. (2023)
% DEMO_BARUMERLI2023(flag) demonstrates how to compute and visualize
% the baseline prediction (localizing broadband sounds with own ears)
% on the full sphere using the localization model from Barumerli et al. (2023).
% Figure 1: Baseline prediction
% This demo computes the baseline prediction (localizing broadband
% sounds with own ears) for an exemplary listener (NH12).
% Averaged polar and lateral accuracy
% See also: barumerli2023 exp_barumerli2023
% Url: http://amtoolbox.org/amt-1.3.0/doc/demos/demo_barumerli2023.php
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2022)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
amt_disp('Loading real data from Majdak et al. 2010')
data_majdak = data_majdak2010('Learn_M');
data_majdak = data_majdak(6);
%% real subject
% print metrics computed on real data
real = barumerli2023_metrics(data_majdak.mtx, 'middle_metrics');
amt_disp('Metrics from actual data')
amt_disp(sprintf('lateral_bias [°]:\t%0.2f', real.accL))
amt_disp(sprintf('lateral_rms_error [°]:\t%0.2f', real.rmsL))
amt_disp(sprintf('elevation_bias [°]:\t%0.2f', real.accP))
amt_disp(sprintf('local_rms_polar [°]:\t%0.2f', real.rmsP))
amt_disp(sprintf('quadrant_err [%%]:\t%0.2f', real.querr))
%% simulated subject
% load HRTF dataset
amt_disp('Model simulation starting...')
sofa_obj = SOFAload(fullfile(SOFAdbPath,'barumerli2023',['ARI_NH12_hrtf_M_dtf 256.sofa']));
% compute features for target and templates
amt_disp(sprintf('\nGenerating feature space over the uniformily sampled sphere'))
[template, target] = barumerli2023_featureextraction(sofa_obj, 'pge');
% estimate each direction in the target struct twice
amt_disp('Simulating subject answers')
m = barumerli2023(...
'template', template, ...
'target', target, ...
'num_exp', 2, ...
'sigma_itd', 0.569, ...
'sigma_ild', 0.7, ...
'sigma_spectral', 1.25, ...
'sigma_prior', 11.5, ...
'sigma_motor', 11);
% compute metrics over estimated directions
sim = barumerli2023_metrics(m, 'middle_metrics');
amt_disp('Metrics from simulated data')
amt_disp(sprintf('lateral_bias [°]:\t%0.2f', sim.accL))
amt_disp(sprintf('lateral_rms_error [°]:\t%0.2f', sim.rmsL))
amt_disp(sprintf('elevation_bias [°]:\t%0.2f', sim.accP))
amt_disp(sprintf('local_rms_polar [°]:\t%0.2f', sim.rmsP))
amt_disp(sprintf('quadrant_err [%%]:\t%0.2f', sim.querr))
amt_disp(sprintf('\nSimulating single estimation'))
targ_az = 0;
targ_el = 45;
% compute features only for the single bianural sound
% (the template has been computed above)
target_single = barumerli2023_featureextraction(sofa_obj, 'pge', 'target','targ_az', targ_az, 'targ_el', targ_el);
% simulate single estimation process
[m, doa, doa_real] = barumerli2023(...
'template', template, ...
'target', target_single, ...
'num_exp', 1, ...
'sigma_itd', 0.569, ...
'sigma_ild', 0.7, ...
'sigma_spectral', 1.25, ...
'sigma_prior', 11.5, ...
'sigma_motor', 11);
% print resulted estimation
for i=1:size(targ_az,1)
amt_disp(sprintf('target [az,el]: [%.2f, %.2f]', targ_az(i), targ_el(i)))
amt_disp(sprintf('response [az,el]: [%.2f, %.2f]\n', m(i, 3), m(i, 4)))
plot_reijniers2014(template.coords.return_positions('cartesian'), ...
doa.posterior, ...
'target', doa_real.return_positions('cartesian'));
title('Posterior distribution and target direction')