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function varargout = exp_tabuchi2016(varargin)
%EXP_TABUCHI2016 Results from Tabuchi et al. (2016)
% Usage: data = exp_tabuchi2016(flag)
% EXP_TABUCHI2016(flag) reproduces figures of the study from
% Tabuchi et al. (2016).
% The following flags can be specified
% 'fig6' Reproduces the lower panel of Figure 6
% Examples:
% ---------
% To display Fig.6 use :
% exp_tabuchi2016('fig6');
% See also: tabuchi2016
% References:
% H. Tabuchi, B. Laback, T. Necciari, and P. Majdak. The role of
% compression in the simultaneous masker phase effect. The Journal of the
% Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 2016.
% Url:
% #Author: Hisaaki Tabuchi (2022)
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2023): adaptations for AMT
definput.import = {'amt_cache'};
definput.flags.type = {'missingflag','fig6'};
[flags,~] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
if flags.do_fig6
[kfunc, kvals] = amt_cache('get','kfunction',flags.cachemode);
if isempty(kfunc) || isempty(kvals)
% initial parameters
n1 = 34;
n2 = 46;
Cvec = -1.5:0.25:1; % This range of Cvec was tested by considering the presumed curvature, -0.5. See the footnote 2 in Tabuchi et al. (2016).
GmaxVec = 0:70;
x_vec = 0:0.1:110; % target level, dB SPL with 0.1 dB step
mlvl_vec = [60 90];
GmaxToGetK = 34;
gamma = 60; % for IHC
beta = 1; % for IHC
sfs = 48;
durms = 40;
f0 = 0.1;
ListenerStr = 'GrandMeanSd';
CondStr_vec = {'OffFreqPre', 'OnFreqPre'};
KvecMat = NaN(length(x_vec), length(Cvec), length(GmaxVec),...
length(CondStr_vec), length(mlvl_vec));
% Kval_Mat is computed by C vals between -1 and 1.
CvecLen = max(find(Cvec >= -1)) - min(find(Cvec >= -1)) + 1;
Kval_Mat = NaN(CvecLen, length(CondStr_vec), length(mlvl_vec));
for mlvlLoop = 1:length(mlvl_vec)
for PrecCondLoop = 1:length(CondStr_vec)
% get the data of grand mean
dataOut = amt_load('tabuchi2016', [ListenerStr '_' ...
CondStr_vec{PrecCondLoop} '_' int2str(mlvl_vec(mlvlLoop)) 'dB' '.mat']);
S= fieldnames(dataOut);
dataOut = eval(['dataOut.' S{1}]);
CvecLen_flag = 0; % to sort out the if sentence below
for CvecLoop = 1:length(Cvec)
% generate a masker
[WaveMout, nPhase] = sig_tabuchi2016(CondStr_vec(PrecCondLoop),...
sfs, f0, n1, n2, mlvl_vec(mlvlLoop), durms, Cvec(CvecLoop));
for GmaxLoop = 1:length(GmaxVec)
[Kfunc_vec, Kval] = tabuchi2016(WaveMout, nPhase, dataOut,'C', Cvec(CvecLoop), ...%'n1', n1, 'n2', n2,
'Gmax', GmaxVec(GmaxLoop), 'mlvl', mlvl_vec(mlvlLoop),...
'GmaxToGetK', GmaxToGetK, 'gamma', gamma, 'beta', beta);
if ~isempty(Kval) && (GmaxVec(GmaxLoop) == GmaxToGetK) && (Cvec(CvecLoop)>= -1)
CvecLen_flag = CvecLen_flag + 1;
Kval_Mat(CvecLen_flag, PrecCondLoop, mlvlLoop) = Kval; % for Kave
KvecMat(:, CvecLoop, GmaxLoop, PrecCondLoop, mlvlLoop) = Kfunc_vec;
kfunc = KvecMat;
% for Kave
kvals = Kval_Mat;
gammaVal = 60;
%Get the predicted masked thresholds of C -1.5 and C 0, when the
%difference of the RMS Outputs of M and M+T (across target levels)
%and the average of K over all the conditions is minimized.
[Kave, ThresEstVec] = tabuchi2016_estimatethreshold(kfunc, kvals);
%Plot a difference of the predicted thresholds for C -1.5 and C 0
%(i.e., MMD) as a function of Gmax.
plot_tabuchi2016(gammaVal, Kave, ThresEstVec);