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[p,rang,tang] = baumgartner2016( target,template ) [err,pred,m] = baumgartner2016( target,template,errorflag )
target | binaural impulse response(s) referring to the directional transfer function(s) (DFTs) of the target sound(s). |
template | binaural impulse responses of all available listener-specific DTFs of the sagittal plane referring to the perceived lateral angle of the target sound |
p | predicted probability mass vectors for response angles with respect to target positions 1st dim: response angle 2nd dim: target angle |
rang | polar response angles (after regularization of angular sampling) |
tang | polar target angles (useful if sagittal-plane HRTFs are extracted directly from SOFA object) |
err | predicted localization error (acc. to performance measure defined in errorflag |
pred | structure with fields p, rang, tang |
m | item list from virtual experiment. See help localizationerror for format description. |
baumgartner2016(...) is a model for sound-source localization in sagittal planes (SPs). It bases on the comparison of internal sound representation with a template and results in a probabilistic prediction of polar angle response.
baumgartner2016 accepts the following optional parameters:
'ID' | Listeners ID (important for caching). |
'Condition' | Label of experimental condition (also for caching). |
'fs',fs | Define the sampling rate of the impulse responses. Default value is 48000 Hz. |
'S',S | Set the listener-specific sensitivity threshold (threshold of the sigmoid link function representing the psychometric link between transformation from the distance metric and similarity index) to S. Default value is 1. |
'lat',lat | Set the apparent lateral angle of the target sound to lat. Default value is 0 degree (median SP). |
'stim' | Define the stimulus (source signal without directional features). As default temstim is used. |
'fsstim' | Define the sampling rate of the stimulus. Default value is 48000 Hz. |
'temstim' | Define the dummy stimulus used to create the templates. The default is Gaussian white noise with a duration of 170 ms. |
'SPL',L | Set the SPL of the stimulus to L dB. Default value is 60dB. |
'SPLtem',Lt | Set the SPL of the templates to a specific SPL of Lt*dB if *Lt is a scalar or define a SPL range between Lt(1) and Lt(2)*dB if *Lt is a two-element vector. Default range is 40 to 70dB. |
'flow',flow | Set the lowest frequency in the filterbank to flow. Default value is 700 Hz. |
'fhigh',fhigh | Set the highest frequency in the filterbank to fhigh. Default value is 18000 Hz. |
'space',sp | Set spacing of auditory filter bands (i.e., distance between neighbouring bands) to sp in number of equivalent rectangular bandwidths (ERBs). Default value is 1 ERB. |
'do',do | Set the differential order of the spectral gradient extraction to do. Default value is 1 and includes restriction to positive gradients inspired by cat DCN functionality. |
'bwcoef',bwc | Set the binaural weighting coefficient bwc. Default value is 13 degrees. |
'polsamp',ps | Define the the polar angular sampling of the current sagittal plane. As default the sampling of ARIs HRTF format at the median SP is used, i.e., ps = [-30:5:70,80,100,110:5:210] degrees. |
'mrsmsp',mrs | Set the motoric response scatter mrs within the median sagittal plane. Default value is 17 degrees. |
'cohc',cohc | OHC scaling factor: 1 denotes normal OHC function (default); 0 denotes complete OHC dysfunction. |
'cihc',cihc | IHC scaling factor: 1 denotes normal IHC function (default); 0 denotes complete IHC dysfunction. |
'fiberTypes',fT | Types of the fibers based on spontaneous rate (SR) in spikes/s: \(fT=1\) for Low SR; \(fT=2\) for Medium SR; \(fT=3\) for High SR. Default is \(fT = 1:3\). |
baumgartner2016 accepts the following flags:
'zilany2014' | Use the model from Zilany et al. (2009,2014) for spectral analysis. This is the default. |
'gammatone' | Use the Gammatone filterbank for spectral analysis. |
'SPLtemAdapt' | Set SPL of templates acc. to target (Lt*=*L). |
'NHtem' | No adaptation of templates to hearing impairment, i.e., templates are processed with cohc=cihc=1 and fT = 1:3. |
'ihc' | Incorporate the transduction model of inner hair cells used by Dau et al. (1996). |
'no_ihc' | Do not incorporate the IHC stage. This is the default. |
'regular' | Apply spline interpolation in order to regularize the angular sampling of the polar response angle. This is the default. |
'noregular' | Disable regularization of angular sampling. |
'errorflag' | May be one of the error flags defined in baumgartner2014_pmv2ppp or localizationerror. |
'redoSpectralAnalysis' | |
Flag to redo also spectral analysis based on zilany2014 model. |
R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Modeling the effects of sensorineural hearing loss on auditory localization in the median plane. Trends in Hearing, 20:1--11, 2016. [ DOI ]
M. S. A. Zilany, I. C. Bruce, and L. H. Carney. Updated parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(1):283--286, Jan. 2014. [ DOI ]