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function [dSRT] = joergensen2011_sim(NSpeechsamples,varargin)
% JOERGENSEN2011_SIM Simulate the experiments shown in figure 5 and 6 of Jørgensen and Dau (2011)
% Usage: [dSRT] = joergensen2011_simFig6(NSpeechsamples,varargin)
% Output parameters:
% dSRT : the delta-SRT between the reference condition and the
% conditions with spectral subtraction processing
% The flag may be one of:
% 'fig5' Simulate experiment with reverberation shown in fig5 of Jørgensen and Dau (2011)
% 'fig6' Simulate experiment with spectral subtraction shown in fig6 of Jørgensen and Dau (2011)
% Please cite Jørgensen and Dau (2011) if you use
% this model.
% See also: joergensen2011, plot_joergensen2011
% References:
% S. Joergensen and T. Dau. Predicting speech intelligibility based on
% the signal-to-noise envelope power ratio after modulation-frequency
% selective processing. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130(3):1475--1487, 2011.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Submitted
% #StatusCode: Submitted
% #Verification: Untrusted
% #Requirements: M-Signal M-Stats
% #Author: Peter L. Sondergaard (2014)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
definput.flags.type = {'missingflag','fig5','fig6'};
[flags,~] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
%% ------- simulate experiment with reverberation
if flags.do_fig5
result=amt_cache('get',['fig5 NSpeechsamples=' num2str(NSpeechsamples)],flags.cachemode);
if isempty(result)
amt_disp(['joergensen2011 started: ' datestr(now, 'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')]);
for q = 1:NSpeechsamples
x = sentenceArray{q}';
fs = 22050;
sentenceFileLevel = -26.00; % The RMS level of all CLUE sentence files (in dB relative to 1)
SPL = 65; % speech presentation level
x = x*10^((SPL-sentenceFileLevel)/20);
% the level of the sentence is set such that the long-term RMS of all
% sentences are presented at a level of 65 dB SPL.
Ts = 1/fs;
T = length(x)/fs;
t = 0:Ts:T;
t = t(1:end-1);
N = length(t);
% load the noise file
noise_glob = amt_load('joergensen2011','SSN_CLUE_22kHz.wav');
Nsegments = floor(length(noise_glob)/N);
% pick a random segment from the noise file
startIdx = randi(Nsegments-2 ,1)*N;
noise_glob = noise_glob(startIdx:startIdx+N -1)';
SNRs = [ -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 ];
conditions = [0 0.4 0.7 1.3 2.3];
for n = 1:length(conditions)
for k = 1:length(SNRs)
noise = noise_glob/rms(noise_glob)*10^((SPL-SNRs(k))/20);
if size(noise) ~= size(x)
noise = noise';
test = noise + x;
% ------------ applying reverberation
if n>1
[tmp,Fs] = sig_joergensen2011(conditions(n));
tmp = resample(tmp,fs,Fs); % downsampling to 22.05 kHz
tmp_test = fconv(tmp',test); %
tmp_noise = fconv(tmp',noise);
test_env = abs(hilbert(tmp_test));
[bb, aa] = butter(4, 20*2/fs);
test_env = filter(bb,aa,test_env);
cut = 0.05;
threshold = floor(max(test_env)*cut);
% finding the index in the env vector corresponding to the
% threshold:
idx = find(test_env(floor(length(test_env)/4):end) > threshold, 1,'last' );
idx_end = idx + floor(length(tmp_test)/4);
idx_start = floor(0.047*fs);
test = tmp_test(idx_start:idx_end);
noise = tmp_noise(idx_start:idx_end);
% ---------------------------------
IOparameters = [0.82 0.5 8000 0.6]; % parameters from Jørgensen and Dau (2011).
tmp = joergensen2011(test,noise,fs,IOparameters);
SNRenvs(k,n,q) = tmp.SNRenv;
Pcorrect(k,n,q) = tmp.P_correct;
amt_disp(['sentence nr: ' num2str(q) '/' num2str(NSpeechsamples)]);
result.Pcorrect = Pcorrect;
result.SNRenvs = SNRenvs;
result.conditions =conditions;
result.SNRs =SNRs;
amt_cache('set',['fig5 NSpeechsamples=' num2str(NSpeechsamples)],result);
%% Average across speech samples
Pc_est_mean = mean(result.Pcorrect,3);
% ------------------ Estimating changes in SRTs based on the mean Pcorrect -------------
% The first column of Pc_est_mean should always be the reference
selection = 1:5;
dSRT = joergensen2011_pctodsrt(Pc_est_mean,result.SNRs,selection);
if flags.do_fig6
% Loads a cell array with 10 sentences from the CLUE material
amt_disp(['start: ' datestr(now, 'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')]);
for q = 1:NSpeechsamples
x = sentenceArray{q}';
fs = 22050;
sentenceFileLevel = -26.00; % The RMS level of all CLUE sentence files (in dB relative to 1)
SPL = 65; % speech presentation level
x = x*10^((SPL-sentenceFileLevel)/20);
% the level of the sentence is set such that the long-term RMS of all
% sentences are presented at a level of 65 dB SPL.
Ts = 1/fs;
T = length(x)/fs;
t = 0:Ts:T;
t = t(1:end-1);
N = length(t);
% load the noise file
noise_glob = amt_load('joergensen2011','SSN_CLUE_22kHz.wav');
Nsegments = floor(length(noise_glob)/N);
% pick a random segment from the noise file
startIdx = randi(Nsegments-2 ,1)*N;
noise_glob = noise_glob(startIdx:startIdx+N -1)';
SNRs = [ -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 ];
conditions = [0 .5 1 2 4 8 ];
for n = 1:length(conditions)
for k = 1:length(SNRs)
noise = noise_glob/rms(noise_glob)*10^((SPL-SNRs(k))/20);
if size(noise) ~= size(x)
noise = noise';
test = noise + x;
% %% --------- spec sub parameters
W=1024/2; % frame length
%zero padding (pad with padz/2 from the left and padz/2 from the right )
% Note that (W+padz) is the final frame window and hence the
% fft length (it is normally chose as a power of 2)
SP=0.5; %Shift percentage is 50%
% all this goes into a function:
%% --------- spec sub
% Spectral subtraction is applied to both the noisy speech and the noise alone
factor = conditions(n);
[test2, noise2] = joergensen2011_sepsub(test,noise,W,padz,SP,factor);
%% ---------------------------------------------------------
% It is important that the input to model is not zero-padded
% of include silence (zeros) in the beginning and/or end of
% the signal, since this leads to a large low-frequency
% modulation, which will bias the model. The SpecSub -
% processing includes windowing which adds small periods of
% silence in the beginning and end of the output. The
% output from the SpecSub is therefore truncated in the
% beginning and the end. The truncation is inperceivable and
% does not change the intelligibility of the sentence.
test2_adj = test2(1.5*W:N);
noise2_adj = noise2(1.5*W:N);
IOparameters = [0.82 0.5 8000 0.6]; % parameters from Jørgensen et al., (2013).
tmp = joergensen2011(test2_adj,noise2_adj,fs,IOparameters);
SNRenvs(k,n,q) = tmp.SNRenv;
Pcorrect(k,n,q) = tmp.P_correct;
amt_disp(['sentence nr: ' num2str(q) ' ' datestr(now, 'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')]);
% s a v e Name = ['tmp_SNRenvs_specSub_' num2str(q) 'sent_' datestr(now, 'dd-mm-yyyy') '_1'];
result.Pcorrect = Pcorrect;
result.SNRenvs = SNRenvs;
result.conditions =conditions;
result.SNRs =SNRs;
% s a v e (s a v e Name, 'result') % the mulktichannel SNRenv is stored.
%% Average across speech samples
Pc_est_mean = mean(result.Pcorrect,3);
% ------------------ Estimating changes in SRTs based on the mean Pcorrect -------------
% The first column of Pc_est_mean should always be the reference
selection = 1:6;
dSRT = joergensen2011_pctodsrt(Pc_est_mean,result.SNRs,selection);
function [y]=fconv(h,x)
%FCONV Fast Convolution
% [y] = FCONV(h, x) convolves x and h. The output of this
% function is scaled.
% x = input vector
% h = input vector
% See also CONV
%Version 2.0
%2003-2004, Stephen G. McGovern
Ly=length(x)+length(h)-1; %
Ly2=pow2(nextpow2(Ly)); % Find smallest power of 2 that is > Ly
m= max(abs(x));
X=fft(x, Ly2); % Fast Fourier transform
H=fft(h, Ly2); % Fast Fourier transform
y=real(ifft(Y, Ly2)); % Inverse fast Fourier transform
y=y(1:1:Ly); % Take just the first N elements