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function [electrodogram, vTime] = ...
%KELVASA2015_CIPROCESSING CI ACE processing strategy used in Kelvasa and Dietz 2015 binaural model
% Usage: [electrodogram, vTime] = kelvasa2015aceprocessing(insig,fs);
% Input parameters:
% insig : single channel column vector signal
% fs : sampling rate (Hz)
% Output parameters:
% electrodogram : N x M matrix of electrode current values in
% (microAmpere) with N being the number of CI
% electrodes and M being a time vector with
% 1/pulse rate/maxima sampling period
% vTime : time vector in seconds with M samples
% KELVASA2015_ciprocessing(insig,fs,varargin) simuluates the ACE
% CI signal processing strategy for an input signal using user defined
% parameters.
% References:
% S. Fredelake and V. Hohmann. Factors affecting predicted speech
% intelligibility with cochlear implants in an auditory model for
% electrical stimulation. Hearing Research, 287(1):76 -- 90, 2012.
% [1]http ]
% B. A. Swanson. Pitch perception with cochlear implants. PhD thesis, The
% University of Melbourne, 2008.
% References
% 1.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Good
% #StatusCode: Good
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: MATLAB M-Signal M-Stats
% #Author: Daryl Kelvasa (2016)
% #Author: Mathias Dietz (2016)
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2022)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
%% Check input paramters
if nargin<3
error('%s: Too few input parameters.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(insig) || size(insig,2) > size(insig,1)
error('%s: insig has to be a numeric column vector signal!',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(fs) || ~isscalar(fs) || fs<=0
error('%s: fs has to be a positive scalar!',upper(mfilename));
definput.import={'kelvasa2015'}; % defaults from arg_kelvasa2015
[~,kv] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
%% Main CI processing
%Initialize parameters
insig = process_preemphasis_CI(insig, kv.FS_ACE); % Hochpass
lenSignal = length(insig);
W = hann(kv.NFFT);
%%Compare pulse rate with signal sampling rate
switch kv.pps
% muss zyklisch abgetastet werden
case 900
vorschub = [18 18 17 18 18 18 17 18 18]; % wegen rundungsfehler (16000/900 = 17.7778; mean(vorschub) = 17.7778)
vorschub = round(kv.FS_ACE/kv.pps);
amt_disp('Warning: Potential rounding inaccuraries, because the signal sampling rate is not an integer multiplier of PPS');
%%Calculate windowed indices of signal
numVorschub = (lenSignal - kv.NFFT)/(sum(vorschub));
numFFTwin = (floor(numVorschub)*numel(vorschub)) + ...
vorschub = [1, repmat(vorschub,1,ceil(numVorschub))];
winInd = zeros(kv.NFFT,numFFTwin); winInd(:,1) = (1:kv.NFFT);
for ind = 2 : numFFTwin;
winInd(:,ind) = (0:kv.NFFT-1)+sum(vorschub(1:ind)); end
insig(max(winInd)) = 0;
%%Process signal
%Window signal
x = insig(winInd); %clear winInd insig
x = repmat(W,1,size(x,2)).*x;
% spectra
S = abs(fft(x,kv.NFFT));
%%Main loop over signal
electrodogram = zeros(kv.NumOfChannels,numFFTwin*kv.maxima);
pulseInd = 1 : kv.maxima;
vTime = (0:size(electrodogram,2)-1).*(1/kv.pps/kv.maxima);
for ind = 1 : numFFTwin
% "envelope" per time unit
F = process_ACE_filterbank_demo(S(:,ind)', kv);
% choose n of m
[A,iElectrode] = process_nOfm(F,kv.maxima);
iElectrode = sort(iElectrode,1,'descend');
% compression between Tlevels and Clevels
C = process_compression_ci(A,kv.B,kv.M,kv.alpha_c);
cl = zeros(length(kv.vActiveElectrodes),1);
logicalNoPulse = C(iElectrode) == 0;
cl(iElectrode) = round(kv.TCL(iElectrode,:) + ...
(kv.MCL(iElectrode,:)- ...
% current amplitude in micro-Ampere
I = zeros(length(kv.vActiveElectrodes),1);
I(iElectrode) = conversion_CL2Iamp(cl(iElectrode),kv.devicename);
I(iElectrode(logicalNoPulse)) = 0;
% stimulationsequence = 1:length(kv.vActiveElectrodes);
% iElectrode = stimulationsequence(iElectrode);
iElectrode',pulseInd)) = I(iElectrode);
pulseInd = pulseInd + kv.maxima;
%% Model helperfunctions
%% Pre-emphasis function
function y = process_preemphasis_CI(x, FS)
% Author: Stefan Fredelake
% Date: 23-10-2008
fc = 1200;
w = 2*fc/FS;
[b,a] = butter(1,w,'high');
y = filter(b,a,x);
%% ACE filterbank
function F = process_ACE_filterbank_demo(S, CIParams)
%Code from the dissertation of Brett Swanson (2008)
% Author: Stefan Fredelake
% Date: 23-10-2008
% usage: F = process_ACE_filterbank(S)
% input: S = complex spectrum
% CIParams = Struct containing the CI Params. In this function only
% NumofChannels, Q_Sum, G, indexOrg and vActiceElectrodes are
% needed. See set_global_constant.m for a description of the
% mentioned parameters
% output: F = f�ltered output spectrum
% This filterbank is only applicable for a complex spectrum S with a length
% of 128 bins, and a sampling frequency of 16 kHz.
S2 = abs(S).^2; % square the amplitude spectrum
F = zeros(CIParams.NumOfChannels,1);
for n = 1:CIParams.NumOfChannels
if n == 1
index2 = CIParams.indexOrg; % only for the first loop
index1 = index2 + 1;
index2 = index1 + CIParams.Q_SUM(n)-1;
index = index1:index2;
if CIParams.Q_SUM(n) == 1
weight = CIParams.G(1);
elseif CIParams.Q_SUM(n) == 2
weight = CIParams.G(2);
weight = CIParams.G(3);
F(n,:) = weight*sqrt(sum(S2(index))); % eq. 5.4
%% NofM
function [A,iElectrode] = process_nOfm(F,nChns)
% Reference: Laneau, 2005 PhD-thesis
% Author: Stefan Fredelake
% Date: 23-10-2008
% usage: A = process_nOfm(F,nChns)
% input: F = filterbank output (22 filters)
% output: nChns = number of channels to simulate
% iElectrode = index of the stimulating electrodes
% This function chooses the channels to stimulate. The channels with the
% nChns maximal values are stimulated
A = zeros(size(F));
[~,iElectrode] = sort(F,1,'descend');
iElectrode = iElectrode(1:nChns);
A(iElectrode) = F(iElectrode); % eq 5.16
%% Process Compression
function C = process_compression_ci(A,B,M,alpha_c)
% usage: C = process_compression_ci(A)
% input: A = the amplitude values in each channel to simulate
% B = Base level
% M = saturation level
% alpha = controls the steepness of the function
% output: C = clinical current unit
% This function compresses the envelopes into the electrical dynamic range
% of CI users.
%Code from the dissertation of Brett Swanson (2008)
% Author: Stefan Fredelake
% Date: 23-10-2008
C = zeros(size(A));
C(A<B) = 0;
index = find(A>=B & A<M);
C(index) = log( 1 + alpha_c * ((A(index)-B)/(M-B) ))/log(1+alpha_c);
C(A>=M) = 1;
function I = conversion_CL2Iamp(cl,szWhichDevice)
% Reference: Laneau, 2005 PhD-thesis
% Author: Stefan Fredelake
% Date: 23-10-2008
switch szWhichDevice
case 'nucleus'
I = 10.175.^(cl/255); % aus laneau
% I = I/24.838;
case 'CI22'
I = 100e-6 * 1.0205.^(cl-100); % aus hearcom website
case 'CI24M'
I = 100e-6 * 1.0205.^(cl-100); % aus hearcom website
case 'CI24R'
I = 100e-6 * 1.0205.^(cl-100); % aus hearcom website
case 'freedom' % also CI24RE
I = 100e-6 * 1.0182.^(cl-100); % aus hearcom website
error('this device is not known')