This documentation page applies to an outdated AMT version (1.4.0). Click here for the most recent page.

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Changes - - Changes throughout the release history of the AMT

Program code:

%Changes - Changes throughout the release history of the AMT
%   Version 1.4.0
%   =============
%   Core functions:
%    - NEW: directly integrated in the AMT (see /mat2doc/readme.txt)
%    - NEW: script in /mat2doc/php to automatically adapt the documentation PHP files
%    - amt_load: functions loading HRTFs use amt_load now. SOFAload and /hrtf are obsolete (Issue #231)
%    - amt_load: support for CSV files, which are read by tableread
%    - amt_extern: AMT can be run in a directory containing blanks now (Issue #233)
%    - amt_version: AMT version is stored at a single place only and used by mat2doc and amt_configuration (Issue #219)
%    - amt_configuration: display in silence mode fixed (Issue #226)
%   Models:
%    - NEW: eurich2022: Binaural detection model based on interaural coherence
%    - NEW: laback2023: Contextual lateralization based on interaural level differences
%    - NEW: smalt2014: Medial olivocochlear reflex in auditory nerve responses
%    - king2019: updated documentation
%   Demos:
%    - NEW: demo_dau1997 (Issue #189)
%   Experiments:
%    - NEW: exp_decheveigne2023
%    - NEW: exp_laback2023
%    - NEW: exp_eurich2022
%    - exp_osses2022: use of amt_disp instead of sprintf (Issue #180)
%    - exp_osses2022: local functions called have prefix local (Issue #183)
%    - exp_barumerli2021: moved to legacy (Issue #232)
%    - exp_bauremrli2022: moved to legacy (Issue #232)
%    - exp_majdak2013: added, but no figure reproduced on the website yet (Curve Fitting Toolbox required). 
%   Model stages:
%    - NEW: ashida2016_LSOmodelCOC
%    - FIX: king2019 avoids NaN channels after scaling if there are empty channels
%    - NEW: various model stages previewing the functionality of decheveigne2023 model: decheveigne2023_spikeach, decheveigne2023_spikecch, decheveigne2023_spikeisih, decheveigne2023_spikejitter, decheveigne2023_spikepoisson, decheveigne2023_spikepsth, decheveigne2023_spikerefractory,  decheveigne2023_spiketopulse, decheveigne2023_spiketrain, decheveigne2023_spikevs
%   Signals:
%    - NEW: sig_laback2023: generates stimuli used in exp_laback2023
%    - NEW: sig_kolarik2010: Tone masked by a diotic inner-band and two antiphasic flanking-band noises
%    - NEW: sig_marquardt2009: Tone masked by a constant-ITD inner-band and two antiphasic flanking-band noises
%    - NEW: sig_vanderheijden1999: Tone masked by a constant-ITD inner-band noise
%    - king2019 avoids NaN channels after scaling if there are empty channels (Issue #235)
%   Data: 
%    - data_pausch2022: clean up (not completed yet)
%   Version 1.3.0
%   =============================
%   General:
%    - license and copyright updated
%    - SOFA 2.1 support
%   Core functions:
%    - amt_start: do not require certificates when downloading toolboxes
%    - EXTENSION: amt_load: supports SOFA format
%   Models:
%    - NEW: bischof2023
%    - NEW: tabuchi2016
%    - lyon2011: ihc stage fixed
%    - UPDATE: barumerli2023
%   Modelstages:
%    - NEW: bischof2023_filterbank
%    - NEW: tabuchi2016_estimatethreshold
%    - UPDATE: mclachlan2021_preproc
%   Experiments:
%    - NEW: exp_bischof2023
%    - NEW: exp_tabuchi2016
%    - UPDATE: exp_barumerli2023
%    - NEW: exp_mchlachlan2021
%    - NEW: exp_majdak2013
%   Plot:
%    - NEW: plot_bischof2023
%   Signals:
%    - NEW: sig_bischof2023
%    - NEW: sig_tabuchi2016
%   Data:
%    - NEW: data_bischof2023
%    - UPDATE: data_majdak2013: additional data for plotting Figure 6 from Majdak et al. (2013)
%   Other fixes: 
%    - baumgartner2014_pmv2ppp: output optimized when 'print' used
%    - exp_relanoiborra2019 : removed dependency from Matlab's Communication Systems toolbox
%    - demo_llado2022 : removed dependency from Matlab's Communication Systems toolbox
%   Version 1.2.0
%   =============================
%   Core functions:
%    - FIX: amt_start does not change current directory anymore
%    - FIX: amt_start('install') error caught when no compiler present
%    - FIX: amt_stop fully restores settings prior to amt_start
%    - FIX: amt_emuexp typos and char parsing
%   Common functions:
%     - itdestimator: more robust 'levelthr' method: set ITD to NaN if no threshold found.
%   Data:
%    - NEW: data_klingel2022
%    - NEW: data_pausch2022
%   Demos:
%    - FIX: demo_bruce2018_adaptiveredocking
%   Experiments:
%    - NEW: exp_klingel2022
%    - NEW: exp_pausch2022
%    - FIX: exp_baumgartner2021 Fig2, Fig3, Tab3
%    - exp_baumgartner2021 restructured (renaming of local functions)
%    - exp_breebaart2001 runs now more robustly under Linux
%    - FIX: exp_lavandier2022 Fig5
%   Models:
%     - NEW: barumerli2022: (renamed from deprecated barumerli2021) minor updates (new thirdparty function randvmf, removed dependency from Computer Vision Toolbox)
%     - mckenzie2022: (renamed from deprecated mckenzie2021) experiment and auxdata updated
%     - NEW: pausch2022
%     - relanoiborra2019: default minspl changed from -34 to -33.9794 dB (dbspl(2e-7,[],100)) to yield minlvl_lin=2e-7 in the adaptation loops (to better match publication)
%     - ziegelwanger2014: model option 5 added: estimate TOAs by using the maximum on LP-filtered IRs.
%   Documentation:
%     - major cleanup
%     - baumgartner2017 (and related files) removed because replaced by the actually published baumgartner2021
%   Version 1.1.0 (December 2021)
%   =============================
%   Core functionality:
%     - removed all appearances of global SPL offset modifications (ltfatsetdefaults).
%     - amt_configuration: added downloadpath to enhance search in previous versions functionality
%     - amt_start: added version-dependent removal of ssh certificate
%     - amt_load: restructured download display
%   Signal-processing functionality:
%     - FIX: adaptloop bug fix with signal scaling.
%     - NEW: minspl for adaptloop, which is minlvl in dB (minlvl still can be used for backwards compatibility).
%   Common functions:
%     - adaptloop: new parameter minspl, which is minlvl in dB. minlvl as linear amplitude can still be used.
%     - ihcenvelope: flag minlvl changed to be ihc_minlvl to be clearly associated with ihcenvelope. No backwards compatibility provided.
%     - ihcenvelope: flag ihctype renamed to ihc_type.
%     - NEW: f2erbrate: ERB rate for a frequency according to Moore and Glasberg (1983)
%     - NEW: erbrate2f: frequency from the ERB rate according to Moore and Glasberg (1983)
%     - NEW: bmld: binaural masking level difference according to Culling et al. (2005)
%   Data:
%     - NEW: data_brimijoin2013
%     - NEW: data_macpherson2003
%     - NEW: data_vliegen2004
%   Signals:
%     - NEW: sig_dizon2004
%     - NEW: sig_hofman1998
%     - NEW: sig_macpherson2003
%     - NEW: sig_schroeder1970
%   Plot:
%     - NEW: plot_llado2022
%   Demos:
%     - NEW: demo_llado2022
%     - demo_adaptloop: minor improvements
%     - demo_mclachlan2021: minor changes
%     - demo_bruce2018: better parameters showing better the results
%   Experiments:
%     - NEW: exp_lavandier2022
%     - NEW: exp_llado2022
%     - exp_baumgartner2015binweight: Changes of the SPL offset removed (output looks like Fig. 5 from Baumgartner and Majdak, 2015)
%     - exp_osses2022: adapted to the revised manuscript version.
%     - exp_bruce2018: adapted to the changes in bruce2018.
%     - exp_li2020: adjusted sequence of Figures so they correspond to publication
%     - exp_baumgartner2021: minor adjustments
%   Models and Modelstages:
%     - NEW: lavandier2022
%     - NEW: leclere2015
%     - NEW: prudhomme2020
%     - NEW: vicente2020
%     - NEW: vicente2020_betterearsnrframe
%     - NEW: vicente2020_buadvantage
%     - NEW: vicente2020_internalnoise
%     - NEW: vicente2020nh
%     - NEW: llado2022
%     - carney2015: new flag 'ic_hwr' (and 'no_ic_hwr') to optionally disable the halve-way rectification of the outputs
%     - bruce2018: new flag 'specificSRautoTiming' to provide spontanous rates but calculate timing information for the auditory nerve fibers (used by exp_osses2022)
%     - zilany2014: improvements in displaying
%     - verhulst2018: 
%       - calculation of AN, CN, and IC can be disabled if unused
%       - detailed output provided only when requested (faster computation but causes backwards compatibility issues)
%       - major documentation improvement
%     - jelfs2011: 
%       - fixed erbspace and do_xcorr
%       - new option to calculate auditory filtering via auditoryfilterbank_singlefc
%     - mclachlan2021: 
%       - mclachlan2021_metrics: removed
%       - mclachlan2021_preproc: added
%   Version 1.0.0 (May 2021)
%   ==============================
%   Core functionality:
%     - core functions (amt.m) moved to the directory 'core'
%     - all auxdata, cache, and hrtf moved from to
%     - NEW: automated toolbox download, new banner, new display style, availability check for matlab toolboxes and octave packages
%     - NEW: amt_stop: removes paths associated to current AMT session and deletes persistent variables in the AMT core functions
%     - NEW: amt_subdir: performs recursive search in subdirectories
%     - NEW: amt_extern: interface to external environments such as Python
%     - NEW: amt_configuration: provides configuration of the current AMT session, sets amt_cache, amt_auxdatapath, amt_auxdataurl, and amt_flags
%     - NEW: amt_info: information on the authorship, license, and technical requirements of a model
%     - emuexp renamed to amt_emuexp
%     - NEW: incremental version search in amt_cache and amt_load: search in older AMT versions for files if not found in current AMT version
%     - amt_disp: debug flag included, progress flag removed.
%     - amt version: module display removed
%     - lock of persistent variables added to the core functions
%   Signal-processing functionality:
%     - signal level convention switched to SI with 20 mu Pa as reference for SPL calculation, i.e., RMS of corresponds to the SPL of 94 dB
%     - first dimension is time when calling a model
%   Common functions (was 'general' previously):
%     - siiweightings renamed to f2siiweightings
%     - setdbspl renamed to scaletodbspl
%     - bmdistance and greenwood integrated in f2bmdistance
%     - NEW: erb2fc
%     - NEW: f2erb
%     - NEW: fc2erb
%     - NEW: phon2sone
%     - NEW: sone2phon
%     - NEW: gammachirp
%     - NEW: erbest
%     - NEW: fade
%     - NEW: infamplitudeclip
%     - NEW: interpolation
%   Data:
%     - NEW: data_lyon2011
%     - NEW: data_li2020
%   Plot:
%     - NEW: plot_bruce2018
%     - NEW: plot_mckenzie2021
%     - NEW: plot_moore2016
%   Demos:
%     - NEW: demo_lyon2011
%     - NEW: demo_lyon2011_compressivefunction
%     - NEW: demo_lyon2011_impulseresponses
%     - NEW: demo_bruce2018
%     - NEW: demo_bruce2018_auditorynerveresponse
%     - NEW: demo_carney2015
%     - NEW: demo_ewert2000
%     - NEW: demo_king2019
%     - NEW: demo_verhulst2015
%     - NEW: demo_verhulst2018
%     - NEW: demo_hauth2020
%     - NEW: demo_chen2011
%     - NEW: demo_mckenzie2021
%     - NEW: demo_baumgartner2021
%     - NEW: demo_mclachlan2021
%   Experiments:
%     - bug fix: exp_gammatone
%     - NEW: exp_engel2021
%     - NEW: exp_bruce2018
%     - NEW: exp_osses2022
%     - NEW: exp_relanoiborra2019
%     - NEW: exp_verhulst2018
%     - NEW: exp_chen2011
%     - NEW: exp_mckenzie2021
%     - NEW: exp_osses2021
%     - NEW: exp_barumerli2021
%     - NEW: exp_baumgartner2021
%     - NEW: exp_li2020
%   Models and Modelstages:
%     - NEW: lyon2011
%     - NEW: verhulst2015
%     - NEW: verhulst2018
%     - NEW: bruce2018
%     - NEW: carney2015
%     - NEW: king2019
%     - NEW: relanoiborra2019
%     - NEW: hauth2020
%     - NEW: osses2021
%     - NEW: mckenzie2021
%     - NEW: chen2011
%     - NEW: moore2016
%     - NEW: baumgartner2021
%     - NEW: li2020
%     - NEW: barumerli2021
%   Version 0.10.0 (May 2020)
%   ==============================
%   - baumgartner2020: sound-externalization model provided
%   - reijnier2014: ideal-observer spherical sound-localization model based on Bayesian statistics provided
%   - exp_reijniers2014: figures from conference proceedings Barumerli et al. (2020, AES and FA) evaluating reijniers2014 added.
%   Version 0.9.9 (September 2017)
%   ==============================
%   - data_baumgartner2017 provided
%   - data_baumgartner2017looming provided)
%   - kelavas2015 improved (appears in the code and documentation now)
%   - bug #78 fixed: hohmann2002_process did not work for multiband input signals.
%   Version 0.9.8 (12.7.2017)
%   =========================
%   Compatibility breaks:
%     - amt -> amt_*
%         - Use amt_start to start the AMT
%         - Legacy files provided but will be removed in the future. 
%         - amthelp --> amt_version
%     - gfb -> hohmann2002. Legacy files provided. See note #11 for more details.
%     - zilany2007humanized --> zilany2007. Legacy file provided.
%     - drnl -> lopezpoveda2001. Legacy file provided.
%     - modfilterbankepsm --> ewert2000. No legacy file. 
%     - HRTFs: only SOFA files allowed now.
%     - Functions creating/modifying signals have the prefix sig now:
%         - Legacy files provided but will be removed in the future.
%        	- irns --> sig_yost1996
%        	- whitenoiseburst --> sig_whitenoiseburst
%        	- transposedtone --> sig_transposedtone
%       	- perfectsweep --> sig_linsweep
%        	- notchednoise --> sig_notchednoise
%        	- bmsin --> sig_lindemann1986
%        	- simulatedimpulseresponse --> sig_joergensen2011
%       	- itdsin --> sig_itdsin
%       	- ildsin --> sig_ildsin
%       	- itdildsin --> sig_itdildsin
%       	- competingtalkers -> sig_competingtalkers
%       	- breebaart2001siggen --> sig_breebaart2001
%       	- bincorrnoise --> sig_bincorrnoise
%       	- bandpassnoisefreq --> sig_bandpassnoise
%     - Model stages in modelstages have the format modelXX_stageYY now:
%         - modelXXstageYY --> modelXX_stageYY
%         - ffGn --> zilany2014_ffGn
%         - breebaart2001preproc --> breebaart2001_preproc
%         - No legacy files provided. Adapt your code if directly calling model stages from your code. 
%   New
%     - baumgartner2017: sound externalization model
%     - baumgartner2016: level-dependent sagittal-plane sound localization model for NH and HI listeners
%     - hohmann2002: the gfb framework of Gammatone filterbank integrated as hohmann2002 framework
%     - kelvasa2015: sound localization in cochlear-implant listeners
%     - emuexp: emulation of experiments using interative runs like 3-AFC
%     - breebaart2001_centralproc: decision stage from Breebaart et al. (2001). 
%     - exp_breebaart2001: reproduces results from Breebaart et al. (2001) based on emuexp
%     - model initiative: interface to the model initiative (Dietz et al. 2016)
%   Structural changes:
%     - baumgartner2014 decomposed into model stages
%     - exp_spille2013 merged into exp_dietz2011
%     - directories re-structured:
%         - main scripts of a model go to: model. They are called nameyear
%         - scripts with model stages (model scripts other than the main one) go to: modelstages. They are called nameyear_postfix
%         - scripts not being part of a specific model go to: general. They do not (!) start with model name.
%         - scripts generating audio signals go to: signals. They are called sig_nameyear or sig_functionality
%         - scripts returning measured data go to: data. They are called data_nameyear
%         - scripts with default parameters of other scripts go to: defaults. They are called arg_callingfunction
%         - files being compiled to mex files go to: mex. In order to be compiled, they must have the prefix comp
%         - files being compiled to oct files go to: oct
%         - other files requiring compilation/installation go to: bin. Their compilation must be considered in make.bat (Windows) and Makefile (Linux/MacOS).
%         - HRTFs go to hrtfs. They are in SOFA and will be downloaded on the fly. 
%         - Lagecy files providing backwards compatibility fo to: legacy
%         - binaural, monaural, speech, filters removed
%   Other updates:
%     - dietz2011: minor bug fixes
%     - data_joergensen2011: completion of data
%     - exp_baumgartner2014: new figures, compatibility improved
%     - demo_hohmann2002: new figures
%     - installation simplified (amt_mex does all the installation now)
%   Version 0.9.7 (10.6.2015)
%   =========================
%   New:
%     - Caching of data: see amt_cache and the cache directory.
%     - Automatic download of auxiliary data. See amt_load and the auxdata directory.
%     - Control for messages output in the command line. See amt_disp.
%     - SOFA files for HRTFs: requires SOFA API, see SOFAload.
%     - Models: zilany2014, joergensen2011, joergensen2013, georganti2013
%     - Signals: sig_joergensen2011
%     - Clean documentation (no errors, no warnings).
%     - makefile for Linux, compiling of cpp files
%   Structure changes:
%     - arg functions moved to arg directory, comp functions moved to mex, directory comp removed
%     - plot functions renamed to plot and moved to plot directory
%     - amt_start and amt_mex improved
%     - readme file for sourceforge added
%     - reference directory removed (it was a directory with original contributions to the AMT)
%   Other changes:
%     - interpolation for various polar-angle samplings  
%     - added new experiment in exp_baumgartner2014: fig5_baumgartner2015aro
%     - stability improvements in baumgartner2014
%     - minor bugfix in demo_baumgartner2013 and doc update in baumgartner2014
%     - exp_lindemann1986: fig 14b disabled: it takes ages and is wrong anyway...
%     - added reference for verhulst2012
%     - wierstorf2013: additional files for HRTF handling removed, load the itd-to-angle look-up table with data_wierstorf2013.m now. 
%     - hrtf/enzner2008 removed (enzner2008 data are in auxdata now)
%     - langendijk2002: data and HRTFs removed from repository (are required data)
%     - changed the order of announcements on amt_start
%     - jelfs2011: removed dependency on read_hrir
%     - plotjelfs2011 moved to demo_jelfs2011.m (plotjelfs2011 was actually a demo).
%     - progress output supressed in the documentation
%     - amt_disp introduced for displaying information depending on the start-up condition of the AMT.
%     - enzner2008 and exp_enzner2008 split in the model and experiment part.
%     - exp_georganti2013 works for me. Documentation is missing yet.
%     - may2011 documentation integrated
%     - 2014 version of may2011 added. demo_may2011 works but documentation invalid yet.
%     - extractsp: stability improvement
%     - minor documentation and stability updates, new function baumgartner2014parametrization and functionalities in localizationerror added.
%     - Fixed imag ILD in dietz2011
%     - Added function to load some simulated monaural room impulses responses.
%     - documentation updates and use of SOFA's remote load functionality in data_baumgartner2014.
%     - major style overhaul of the Joergsen 2011 and 2013 models. Experiments included etc. Does not yet pass mat2doc, and sound files are missing.
%     - localizationerror: new performance measures added
%     - data_majdak2010 and ...2013ctc: Angles forced to be real valued.
%   Version 0.9.6
%   =============
%   New: 
%     - Gammatone validation provided, including exp_gammatone, demo_gammatone, exp_hohmann2002, and demo_hohmann2002
%     - Wierstorf et al. (2013) provided, including wierstorf2013, exp_wierstorf2013, and integration with the SFS toolbox
%   Fixes:
%     - data_goode1994: more details provided
%     - jelfs2011 works now with SOFA HRTFs stored in hrtf/jelfs2011/, e.g., kemar.sofa
%     - hohmann2007 naming resolved. hohmann2007 renamed to herzke2007, the primary model is called hohmann2002 now
%     - localizationerror: missing error types added
%     - exp_spille2013: uses lowpass f_inst
%   Url: