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DATA_MAJDAK2010 - Listener specific localization performance


data = data_majdak2010(condition)


data_majdak2010(condition) returns listener-specific experimental data from Majdak et al. (2010) testing localization performance for various experimental methods.

The data struct comprises the following fields:

'id' listener ID

experimental data matrix containing 9 columns

  • target azimuth
  • target elevation
  • response azimuth
  • response elevation
  • lateral angle of target
  • polar angle of target
  • lateral angle of response
  • polar angle of response

The condition flag may be one of:

'HMD_M' Head-mounted display and manual pointing. Testing of naive subjects.
'HMD_H' Head-mounted display, head pointing, naive subjects.
'Dark_M' Dark room, manual pointing, naive subjects.
'Dark_H' Dark room, head pointing, naive subjects.
'Learn_M' Acoustic learning condition with manual pointing. This is the default.
'Learn_H' Acoustic learning condition with head pointing.


P. Majdak, M. J. Goupell, and B. Laback. 3-D localization of virtual sound sources: Effects of visual environment, pointing method and training. Atten Percept Psycho, 72:454--469, 2010.