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out = may2011(input,fs);
input | binaural input signal [nSamples x 2 channels] |
fs | sampling frequency in Hertz |
out | localization structure |
may2011 is a probabilistic localization model.
The out structure has the following fields:
.param | processing parameters |
.azFrames | frame-based azimuth estimate [Frames x 1] |
.azimuth | time-frequency azimuth estimate [nFilter x nFrames] |
.rangeAZ | azimuth grid [nAzDir x 1] |
.prob | 3D probability map [nFilter x nFrames x nAzDir] |
.loglik | 3D log-likelihood map [nFilter x nFrames x nAzDir] |
.itd | interaural time difference [nFilter x nFrames] |
.ild | interaural level difference [nFilter x nFrames] |
.ic | interaural coherence [nFilter x nFrames] |
T. May, S. van de Par, and A. Kohlrausch. A probabilistic model for robust localization based on a binaural auditory front-end. IEEE Trans Audio Speech Lang Proc, 19:1--13, 2011.
N. Roman, D. L. Wang, and G. J. Brown. Speech segregation based on sound localization. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114(4):2236--2252, 2003.