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SIG_MACPHERSON2003 - - Stimulus from Macpherson and Middlebrooks (2003)


sig = sig_macpherson2003(density,depth,phase,dur,fs,flow,fhigh,fmin)

Input parameters:

density ripples/oct. Default is 1 r/o.
depth ripple depth (peak-to-trough) in dB. Default is 40 dB.
phase ripple phase in rad. Default is 0.
dur signal duration in seconds. Default is 0.25 seconds.
fs sampling rate in Hz (only required for low-pass filtering). Default is 48 kHz.
flow lower corner frequency of ripple modification in Hz. Default is 1 kHz.
fhigh upper corner frequency of ripple modification in Hz. Default is 16 kHz.
fmin frequency limit of signal energy in Hz. Default is 600 Hz.

Output parameters:

sig spectrally rippled noise.


Noise burst with sinusoidal spectral magnitude ripple.


E. A. Macpherson and J. C. Middlebrooks. Vertical-plane sound localization probed with ripple-spectrum noise. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114(430), 2003. [ http ]