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DIETZ2011INTERAURALFUNCTIONS - Interaural stages of Dietz 2011

Input parameters

s1 Input signal
s2 Input signal
tau Lowpass filter parameter, such that a = exp(-1./(fs*tau)), lowpass = filter([1-a], [1, -a], x)
fc Center frequencies
fs Sampling frequencies

Output parameters

outp Structure containing the output. See the description below.


XXX Description is missing. What does this function actually do?

Note: If tau is a scalar, lowpass is done on every channel with the value of tau. If the filter parameter tau is a vector, it has to have as many elements as the number of channels of s1 and s2; each value tau(i) is applied to the signals in s1(i,:) and s2(i,:).

The output structure outp contains the following fields:

.itf Transfer function
.itf_equal Transfer function without amplitude
.ipd Phase difference in rad
.ipd_lp Based on lowpass-filtered itf, phase difference in rad
.ild Level difference in dB
.itd Time difference based on instantaneous frequencies
.itd_C Time difference based on central frequencies
.itd_lp As .itd, with low-passed itf
.itd_C_lp As .itd_C, with low-passed itf
.f_inst_1 Instantaneous frequencies in the channels of the filtered s1
.f_inst_2 Instantaneous frequencies in the channels of the filtered s2
.f_inst Instantaneous frequencies (average of f_inst1 and f_inst_2)


M. Dietz, S. D. Ewert, and V. Hohmann. Auditory model based direction estimation of concurrent speakers from binaural signals. Speech Communication, 53(5):592-605, 2011. [ DOI | http ]