The full package

The AMT consists of the main code, third-party toolboxes and binaries. The easiest and recommended method is to use the "AMT full package", which contains all the required toolboxes and pre-compiled binaries. Download and unzip the "AMT full package" and start the AMT by executing:


Note that on Octave, the package io is obligatory. If this package is not installed on your system, it will need to be installed, i.e., pkg install io, even with the AMT full package.

Note also that the precompiled MEX files may be incompatible with your particular system. If you experience errors when calling models requiring binary files, configure the MEX compiler on your system and run


to re-compile the MEX files for your system.

Code only

If you have the required toolboxes on your system or you prefer to install them by yourselft, use the "AMT code-only package". This package contains all the code of the AMT, but the third-party toolboxes are not included (not even the LTFAT required to start the AMT). This package has a small size.

To get started with the "AMT code-only package", execute:

This command will start the AMT, check if the toolboxes are available and offer the option to download and automatically install them on the fly. Then, binaries will be compiled for your system, if an appropriate compiler is available.

Note also that on Octave, the package io is obligatory. If this package is not installed on your system, it will need to be installed, i.e., pkg install io, before starting the AMT installation.

Other releases

Previous releases of the AMT can be found on Sourceforge.