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EXP_TAKANEN2013 - Figures from Takanen, Santala, Pulkki (2013a,2013b)


output = exp_takanen2013(flag)


exp_takanen2013(flag) reproduces the figure given by flag either from the Takanen et al. (2013) book chapter or the Takanen et al. (2013) manuscript. The format of its output depends on the chosen figure. Optionally, pre-computed cochlear model outputs for the different scenarios can be applied to significantly reduce the required computation time. The pre-computed cochlear model outputs can be obtained from the authors.

The following flags can be specified:

'binsig' use binaural input signals in the computation. This is the default.
'cochlea' use pre-computed cochlea model outputs in the computation to reduce computation time.
'fig7book' Figure 7 from the book chapter. Binaural activity maps obtained with the model for an off-sweet-spot listening scenario with different audio coding techniques.
'fig8book' Figure 8 from the book chapter. Activation distributions obtained with the model for (a) the reference scenario of incoherent pink noise emitted from twelve azimuth directions, and (b)-(d) the reproduction of such a scenario with an eight-channel loudspeaker system employing signals obtained with different audio coding techniques. Additionally, the the distributions when DirAC is used in audio coding of 5.0 surround signal having incoherent pink noise in each channel with (e) the straightforward method and (f) the even-layout method.
'fig6art' Figure 6 from the manuscript. Binaural activity maps for four binaural listening scenarios, namely (a) HRTF-processed pink noise, (b) pink noise with ITD, (c) anti-phasic sinusoidal sweep, and (d) band- limited noise centered around 500 Hz with an ITD of 1.5 ms.
'fig7art' Figure 7 from the manuscript. Binaural activity maps for four binaural listening scenarios, namely (a) \(S_\pi N_0\) with different signal-to-noise ratios, (b) binaural interference, (c) precedence effect, and (d) binaural room impulse response.

If no flag is given, the function will print the list of valid flags.


To display Figure 7 from the book chapter using pre-computed cochlea model outputs use:


This code produces the following output:

Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping

To display Figure 8 from the book chapter using pre-computed cochlea model outputs use:


This code produces the following output:

Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping

To display Figure 6 from the manuscript using pre-computed cochlea model outputs use:


This code produces the following output:

Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping

To display Figure 6 from the manuscript using pre-computed cochlea model outputs use:


This code produces the following output:

Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping
Model of periphery
Models of MSO
Models of wideband MSO
Models of LSO
Direction mapping


M. Takanen, O. Santala, and V. Pulkki. Visualization of functional count-comparison-based binaural auditory model output. Manuscript in revision, 2013.

M. Takanen, O. Santala, and V. Pulkki. Perceptually encoded signals and their assessment. Manuscript in revision, 2013.