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ITD2ANGLELOOKUPTABLE - generates an ITD-azimuth lookup table for the given HRTF set

Program code:

function lookup = itd2anglelookuptable(irs,varargin)
%ITD2ANGLELOOKUPTABLE generates an ITD-azimuth lookup table for the given HRTF set
%   Usage: lookup = itd2anglelookuptable(irs,fs,model);
%          lookup = itd2anglelookuptable(irs,fs);
%          lookup = itd2anglelookuptable(irs);
%   Input parameters:
%       irs    : HRTF data set (at the moment only TU Berlin irs format)
%       fs     : sampling rate, (default: 44100) / Hz
%       model  : binaural model to use:
%                   'dietz2011' uses the Dietz binaural model (default)
%                   'lindemann1986' uses the Lindemann binaural model
%   Output parameters:
%       lookup : struct containing the polinomial fitting data for the
%                ITD -> azimuth transformation, p,MU,S, see help polyfit
%   `itd2anglelookuptable(irs)` creates a lookup table from the given IR data
%   set. This lookup table can be used by the dietz2011 or lindemann1986 binaural
%   models to predict the perceived direction of arrival of an auditory event.
%   The azimuth angle is stored in degree in the lookup table.
%   For the handling of the HRTF file format this function depends on the
%   Sound-Field-Synthesis Toolbox, which is available here:
% It runs under Matlab and Octave. The
%   revision used to genrate the figures in the corressponding paper is
%   a8914700a4.
%   See also: dietz2011, lindemann1986, wierstorf2013
%   References: dietz2011auditory wierstorf2013 wierstorf2011hrtf

% AUTHOR: Hagen Wierstorf

%% ===== Checking of input parameters ===================================
nargmin = 1;
nargmax = 3;

definput.flags.model = {'dietz2011','lindemann1986'};
definput.keyvals.fs = 44100;

%% ===== Configuration ==================================================
% Samplingrate
fs = kv.fs;
% time of noise used for the calculation (samples)
nsamples = fs;
% noise type to use
noise_type = 'white';

%% ===== Calculation ====================================================
% generate noise signal
sig_noise = noise(nsamples,1,noise_type);
% get only the -90 to 90 degree part of the irs set
idx = (( irs.apparent_azimuth>-pi/2 & irs.apparent_azimuth<pi/2 & ...
    irs.apparent_elevation==0 ));
irs = slice_irs(irs,idx);
% iterate over azimuth angles
nangles = length(irs.apparent_azimuth);
% create an empty mod_itd, because the lindemann model didn't use it
mod_itd = [];

if flags.do_dietz2011

    itd = zeros(nangles,12);
    mod_itd = zeros(nangles,23);
    ild = zeros(nangles,23);
    for ii = 1:nangles
        % generate noise coming from the given direction
        ir = get_ir(irs,[irs.apparent_azimuth(ii) 0 irs.distance]);
        sig = auralize_ir(ir,sig_noise);
        % calculate binaural parameters
        [fine, modulation, cfreqs, ild_tmp] = dietz2011(sig,fs);
        % unwrap ITD
        itd_tmp = dietz2011unwrapitd(fine.itd(:,1:12),ild_tmp(:,1:12),fine.f_inst,2.5);
        % calculate the mean about time of the binaural parameters and store
        % them
        itd(ii,:) = median(itd_tmp,1);
        mod_itd(ii,:) = median(modulation.itd,1);
        ild(ii,:) = median(ild_tmp,1);

elseif flags.do_lindemann1986

    itd = zeros(nangles,36);
    ild = zeros(nangles,36);
    for ii = 1:nangles
        % generate noise coming from the given direction
        ir = get_ir(irs,irs.apparent_azimuth(ii));
        sig = auralize_ir(ir,sig_noise);
        % Ten fold upsampling to have a smoother output
        %sig = resample(sig,10*fs,fs);
        % calculate binaural parameters
        c_s = 0.3; % stationary inhibition
        w_f = 0; % monaural sensitivity
        M_f = 6; % decrease of monaural sensitivity
        T_int = inf; % integration time
        N_1 = 17640; % sample at which first cross-correlation is calculated
        [cc_tmp,dummy,ild(ii,:),cfreqs] = lindemann1986(sig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1);
        clear dummy;
        cc_tmp = squeeze(cc_tmp);
        % Calculate tau (delay line time) axes
        tau = linspace(-1,1,size(cc_tmp,1));
        % find max in cc
        for jj = 1:size(cc_tmp,2)
            [v,idx] = max(cc_tmp(:,jj));
            itd(ii,jj) = tau(idx)/1000;


% Fit the lookup data
for n = 1:12
    [p(:,n),S{n},MU(:,n)] = polyfit(itd(:,n),irs.apparent_azimuth'./pi*180,12);
% Create lookup struct
lookup.p = p;
lookup.MU = MU;
lookup.S = S;