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function [t,table]=absolutethreshold(freq,varargin)
%ABSOLUTETHRESHOLD Absolute threshold at specified frequencies
% Usage: t=absolutethreshold(freq);
% t=absolutethreshold(freq,...);
% `absolutethreshold(freq)` will return the absolute threshold of hearing
% in dB SPL at the frequencies given in *freq*. The output will have the
% same shape as the input.
% `[outvals,table]=absolutethreshold(...)` additionally returns the
% frequencies table defining the choosen standard. The first column of
% the table contains frequencies in Hz, and the second column contains the
% absolute threshold at the given frequency.
% `absolutethreshold` takes the following optional parameters:
% 'iso226_2003' Free field binaural as given by the ISO 226:2003
% standard.
% 'iso389_2005' Diffuse field binaural as given by the ISO 389-7:2005
% standard.
% 'map' The ISO 226:2003 standard coverted to minimal
% audible pressure using the method from Bentler &
% Pavlovic 1989.
% 'er3a' Using ER-3A insert earphones. This is described in
% the ISO 389-2:1994(E) standard
% 'er2a' Using ER-2A insert earphones. This is described in
% Han & Poulsen (1998)
% 'hda200' Using HDA200 circumaural earphone. This is
% decribed in the ISO 389-8:2004 standard.
% Absolute thresholds for the ER2A and HDA-200 are provided up to 16
% kHz by the ISO 389-5:2006 standard.
% The default is to use the `'iso226_2003'` setting.
% Demos: demo_absolutethreshold
% References: iso226-2003 iso389-2-1994 iso389-5-2006 iso389-8-2004 bentler1989transfer han1998equivalent
% AUTHOR : Peter Søndergaard based on data collected by Claus Elberling
if nargin<1
error('Too few input parameters.');
definput.import = {'absolutethreshold'};
definput.importdefaults = {'iso226_2003'};
[flags,kv,table] = ltfatarghelper({'table'},definput,varargin);