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function inoutsig = ihcenvelope(inoutsig,fs,varargin)
%IHCENVELOPE Inner hair cell envelope extration
% Usage: outsig=ihcenvelope(insig,fs,methodname);
% `ihcenvelope(insig,fs,methodname)` extract the envelope of an input signal
% insig sampled with a sampling frequency of fs Hz. The envelope
% extraction is performed by half-wave rectification followed by low pass
% filtering. This is a common model of the signal transduction of the
% inner hair cells.
% The parameter `methodname` describes the kind of low pass filtering to
% use. The name refers to a set of papers where in this particular
% method has been utilized or studied. The options are
% 'ihc_bernstein' Compute the Hilbert envelope, compress the envelope
% by raising it to the power .2, combine the envelope
% with the original fine-structure, half-wave rectify it,
% square it and low-pass filter it with a cut-off
% frequency of 425 Hz. This method is defined in
% Bernstein (1999). Note that this method includes both a
% compression and an expansion stage.
% 'ihc_breebaart' Use a 5th order filter with a cut-off frequency of 770
% Hz. This method is given in Breebaart (2001). Page
% 94 in Breebart's thesis.
% 'ihc_dau' Use a 2nd order Butterworth filter with a cut-off
% frequency of 1000 Hz. This method has been used in all
% models deriving from the original 1996 model by
% Dau et. al. These models are mostly monaural in nature.
% 'hilbert' Use the Hilbert envelope instead of the half-wave
% rectification and low pass filtering. This is not a
% releastic model of the inner hair envelope extraction
% process, but the option is included for
% completeness. The Hilbert envelope was first suggested
% for signal analysis in Gabor (1946).
% 'ihc_lindemann' Use a 1st order Butterworth filter with a cut-off
% frequency of 800 Hz. This method is defined in the
% Lindemann (1986a) paper.
% 'ihc_meddis' Use the Meddis inner hair cell model.
% 'minlvl' Set all values in the output equal to minlvl.
% This ensures that the output is non-negative and
% that further processing is not affected by
% unnaturally small values. The default value of []
% means to not do this.
% 'dim',d Work along dimension d.
% References: bernstein1999normalized breebaart2001a gabor1946 lindemann1986a dau1996qmeI
% ------ Checking of input parameters --------------------------------
if nargin<2
error('Too few input parameters.');
if ~isnumeric(inoutsig)
error('%s: The input signal must be numeric.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(fs) || ~isscalar(fs) || fs<=0
error('%s: fs must be a positive scalar.',upper(mfilename));
definput.import = {'ihcenvelope'};
[flags,keyvals] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
% ------ Computation -------------------------------------------------
[inoutsig,siglen,dummy,nsigs,dim,permutedsize,order]=assert_sigreshape_pre(inoutsig,[],keyvals.dim, ...
if flags.do_nodefault
error(['%s: you must supply a flag to designate the IHC model to ' ...
if flags.do_ihc_bernstein
% The computational trick mentioned in the Bernstein paper is used
% here: Instead of raising the envelope to power .23 and combine with its
% TFS, we raise it to power -.77, and combine with the original
% signal. In this way we avoid computing the fine structure.
[b, a] = butter(2, cutofffreq*2/fs);
inoutsig = filter(b,a, inoutsig);
if flags.do_ihc_breebaart
inoutsig = max( inoutsig, 0 );
[b, a] = butter(1, cutofffreq*2/fs);
for ii=1:5
inoutsig = filter(b,a, inoutsig);
if flags.do_ihc_dau
inoutsig = max( inoutsig, 0 );
[b, a] = butter(2, cutofffreq*2/fs);
inoutsig = filter(b,a, inoutsig);
if flags.do_hilbert
inoutsig = abs(hilbert(inoutsig));
if flags.do_ihc_lindemann
inoutsig = max( inoutsig, 0 );
[b, a] = butter(1, cutofffreq*2/fs);
inoutsig = filter(b,a, inoutsig);
if flags.do_ihc_meddis
inoutsig = comp_meddishaircell(inoutsig, fs);
if ~isempty(keyvals.minlvl)
inoutsig = max( inoutsig, keyvals.minlvl );