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function [s,fs]=competingtalkers(varargin)
%COMPETINGTALKERS Load one of several test signals
% Usage: s=competingtalkers(signame);
% [s,fs]=competingtalkers(signame);
% `competingtalkers(signame)` loads one of several test signals consisting
% of competing talkers. All the talkers are taken from the TIMIT speech
% corpus:
% `<>`_.
% The signals have 2 channels and are all recorded with a sampling rate of
% 16 kHz.
% `[sig,fs]=competingtalkers(signame)` additionally returns the sampling
% frequency *fs*.
% The value of `signame` may be one of:
% 'one_of_three' XXX Description missing
% 'two_of_three' XXX Description missing
% 'three_of_three' XXX Description missing
% 'one_speaker_reverb'
% XXX Description missing
% 'two_speakers' XXX Description missing
% 'five_speakers' XXX Description missing
% 'bnoise' Speech shaped noise
% Examples:
% ---------
% The following plot shows an estimate of the power spectral density of
% the first channels of the speech shaped noise:::
% s=competingtalkers('bnoise');
% pwelch(s(:,1),hamming(150));
% See also: exp_dietz2011
% AUTHOR : Peter L. Søndergaard
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.sigtype{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.sigtype{end-1},definput.flags.sigtype{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
s = wavread(fname);
fs = 16000;