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function [fcs_EPSM outSNRenvs ] = joergensen2011snrenv(MixEnv,NoiseEnv,fs)
%JOERGENSEN2011SNRENV SNRenv of processed signal
% Usage: [fcs_EPSM outSNRenvs ] = joergensen2011snrenv(MixEnv,NoiseEnv,fs);
% Input parameters:
% MixEnv : The envelope of a signal which have been processed
% in some way
% NoiseEnv : The noise envelope with/without processing
% fs : Sampling frequency
% outSNRenvs : $1\times 7$ vector of overall SNRenv's in dB,
% one for each modulation filter center frequency
% fcs_EPSM : center-frequencies of the modulation filterbank
% sEPSM_ExPtns : Envelope power excitation patterns for of the input
% `[fcs_EPSM,outSNRenvs]=joergensen2011snrenv(MixEnv,NoiseEnv,fs)`
% calculates the SNRenv for the processed signal.
% AUTHOR: May 2012 Søren Jørgensen
% Center frequencies of the modulation filters
% fcs = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 ];
% Calculation of envelope power in 7 modulation filters
[fcs_EPSM Mix_ExcPtn] = modfilterbankepsm(MixEnv,0,fs);
[fcs_EPSM Noise_ExcPtn] = modfilterbankepsm(NoiseEnv,0,fs);
% NaN values are set to zero
idx_nans = isnan(Noise_ExcPtn);
for k = 1:length(idx_nans)
if idx_nans(k) == 1
Noise_ExcPtn = 0;
% Noisefloor cannot exceed the mix, since they exist at the same time
Noise_ExcPtn = min(Mix_ExcPtn,Noise_ExcPtn);
% The noisefloor restricted to minimum 0.01 reflecting and internal noise
% threshold
Noise_ExcPtn = max(Noise_ExcPtn,0.01);
Mix_ExcPtn = max(Mix_ExcPtn,0.01);
% calculation of SNRenv
outSNRenvs = 10*log10(((Mix_ExcPtn-Noise_ExcPtn ) ./Noise_ExcPtn));
% SNRenv - values are truncated to minimum -30 dB.
outSNRenvs = max(-30,outSNRenvs);
% Excitation patterns
sEPSM_ExPtns = [Mix_ExcPtn' Noise_ExcPtn'];