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wierstorf2013estimateazimuth - Estimate the perceived azimuth using a binaural model


[phi,itd,ild,cfreqs] = wierstorf2013estimateazimuth(sig,lookup,model,do_spectral_weighting,fs)
[phi,itd,ild,cfreqs] = wierstorf2013estimateazimuth(sig,lookup,model,do_spectral_weighting)
[phi,itd,ild,cfreqs] = wierstorf2013estimateazimuth(sig,lookup,model)
[phi,itd,ild,cfreqs] = wierstorf2013estimateazimuth(sig,lookup)

Input parameters

sig binaural singal
lookup lookup table to map ITDs to angles (struct)
model to use:
'dietz2011' (default) 'lindemann1986'
 apply spectral weighting of ITD values after Raatgever (1980) (default: false)
fs sampling rate (default: 44100) (Hz)

Output parameters

phi estimated azimuth (rad)
itd calculated ITD (s)
ild calculated ILD (dB)
cfreqs center frequencies of used auditory filters (Hz)


wierstorf2013estimateazimuth(sig,lookup,model,do_spectral_weighting,fs) uses a binaural model to estimate the perceived direction for a given binaural signal. Therefore, it needs the struct lookup, which maps ITD values to the corresponding angles. This can be created with the itd2anglelookuptable function. If do_spectral_weighting is set to true, a spectral weighting of the single ITD values after Raatgever is applied. He has done some measurements to see what is the spectral domincance region for lateralization by the ITD and found a region around 600 Hz. Stern et al. have fitted his data with a formula used in this function.


M. Dietz, S. D. Ewert, and V. Hohmann. Auditory model based direction estimation of concurrent speakers from binaural signals. Speech Communication, 53(5):592-605, 2011. [ DOI | http ]

W. Lindemann. Extension of a binaural cross-correlation model by contralateral inhibition. I. Simulation of lateralization for stationary signals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 80:1608-1622, 1986.

J. Raatgever. On the binaural processing of stimuli with different interaural phase relations. PhD thesis, TU Delft, 1980.

R. Stern, A. Zeiberg, and C. Trahiotis. Lateralization of complex binaural stimuli: A weighted-image model. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 84:156-165, 1988.

H. Wierstorf, A. Raake, and S. Spors. Binaural assessment of multi-channel reproduction. In J. Blauert, editor, The technology of binaural listening, chapter 10. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York NY, 2013.