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function filter = gfb_filter_new(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
%GFB_FILTER_NEW Constructor of a cascaded gammatonefilter
% Usage: gfb_filter_new(a_tilde,gamma_filter_order);
% gfb_filter_new(fs,fc,gamma_filter_order,bandwidth_factor);
% gfb_filter_new(fs,fc,bw,attenuation_db,gamma_filter_order);
% Input arguments:
% a_tilde : Complex filter constant
% gamma_filter_order : Gammatone filter order
% fs : Sampling rate
% fc : Centre frequency
% a_tilde : Complex filter constant
% bandwidth_factor : Bandwidth factor, default value is 1.0
% bw : Filter bandwidth (in Hz)
% GFB_FILTER_NEW(a_tilde,gamma_filter_order) specifies the complex
% filter coefficients directly.
% GFB_FILTER_NEW(fs,fc,gamma_filter_order,bandwidth_factor) computes
% filter coefficient from sampling rate, center frequency, and order of
% the gammatone filter. The filters will have 1 ERB equivalent
% rectangular bandwidth, times bandwidth_factor. Filter coefficient are
% computed from equations (13),(14)[Hohmann 2002].
% GFB_FILTER_NEW(fs,fc,bw,attenuation_db,gamma_filter_order) Computes
% the filter coefficients from the sampling rate, center frequency, the
% desired bandwidth with respect to the given attenuation, and the order
% of the gammatone filter. Filter coefficient are computed as in equations
% (11),(12)[Hohmann 2002] (section 2.3).
% References:
% V. Hohmann. Frequency analysis and synthesis using a gammatone
% filterbank. Acta Acustica united with Acoustica, 88(3):433-442, 2002.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Peter L. Søndergaard.
% This file is part of AMToolbox version 1.0.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: tp
filter.type = 'gfb_Filter';
if (nargin == 2)
filter.coefficient = arg1;
filter.gamma_order = arg2;
elseif (nargin == 3) || (nargin == 4)
fs = arg1;
fc = arg2;
filter.gamma_order = arg3;
bandwidth_factor = 1.0;
if (nargin == 4)
bandwidth_factor = arg4;
global GFB_L;
global GFB_Q;
% equation (13) [Hohmann 2002]:
audiological_erb = (GFB_L + fc / GFB_Q) * bandwidth_factor;
% equation (14), line 3 [Hohmann 2002]:
a_gamma = (pi * factorial(2*filter.gamma_order - 2) * ...
2 ^ -(2*filter.gamma_order - 2) / ...
factorial(filter.gamma_order - 1) ^ 2);
% equation (14), line 2 [Hohmann 2002]:
b = audiological_erb / a_gamma;
% equation (14), line 1 [Hohmann 2002]:
lambda = exp(-2 * pi * b / fs);
% equation (10) [Hohmann 2002]:
beta = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
% equation (1), line 2 [Hohmann 2002]:
filter.coefficient = lambda * exp(1i * beta);
elseif (nargin == 5)
fs = arg1;
fc = arg2;
bw = arg3;
attenuation_db = arg4;
filter.gamma_order = arg5;
% equation (12), line 4 [Hohmann 2002]:
phi = pi * bw / fs;
% equation (12), line 3 [Hohmann 2002]:
u = -attenuation_db/filter.gamma_order;
% equation (12), line 2 [Hohmann 2002]:
p = (-2 + 2 * 10^(u/10) * cos(phi)) / (1 - 10^(u/10));
% equation (12), line 1 [Hohmann 2002]:
lambda = -p/2 - sqrt(p*p/4 - 1);
% equation (10) [Hohmann 2002]:
beta = 2*pi*fc/fs;
% equation (1), line 2 [Hohmann 2002]:
filter.coefficient = lambda * exp(1i*beta);
error ('gfb_filter_new needs either 2, 3, 4 or 5 arguments');
% normalization factor from section 2.2 (text) [Hohmann 2002]:
filter.normalization_factor = ...
2 * (1 - abs(filter.coefficient)) ^ filter.gamma_order;
filter.state = zeros(1, filter.gamma_order);