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function [thetaOut energyOut]= takanen2013onsetenhancement(thetaIn,energyIn,fs,cfs)
%TAKANEN2013ONSETENHANCEMENT Emphasize the onsets on direction analysis
% Usage: [thetaOut energyOut]=takanen2013onsetenhancement(thetaIn,energyIn,fs);
% Input parameters:
% thetaIn : the "where" cue of the given hemisphere
% energyIn : the ventral "what" stream output of the periphery model
% fs : sampling rate
% cfs : characterstic frequencies of the model
% Output parameters:
% thetaOut : the resulting "where" cue applied in forming of the
% binaural activity map
% energyOut : the resulting "what" cue applied in forming of the
% binaural activity map
% This method aims to account for the emphasized role of onsets in
% localization by the auditory system, and for the variation found in the
% time resolution of the localization. The steps involved in this method
% are listed below and a more detailed describtion about the method can
% be found in in Takanen, Santala, Pulkki 2013 (Sec. 3.2.7)
% 1) analyze the cues with two mechanisms
% 50-ms long time window to evaluate the average information
% over a longer time frame
% 3-ms long time frame to analyze the gradients of the
% cues in order to be sensitive to the onsets
% 2) combine the informations obtained with the two mechanisms to
% obtain the overall "where" and "what" cues
% emphasize the information obtained with the mechanism
% employing shorter time frame to give more weight to the
% onsets
% See also: takanen2013, takanen2013periphery, weightedaveragefilter,
% takanen2013formbinauralactivitymap
% References:
% M. Takanen, O. Santala, and V. Pulkki. Visualization of functional
% count-comparison-based binaural auditory model output. Manuscript in
% revision, 2013.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Peter L. Søndergaard.
% This file is part of AMToolbox version 1.0.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: Marko Takanen, Olli Santala, Ville Pulkki
% COPYRIGHT (C) 2013 Aalto University
% School of Electrical Engineering
% Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
% Espoo, Finland
%% ------ Set parameters for the computations ------------------------------
dims = size(thetaIn);
%within the range of 1 kHz and 2 kHz, none of the directional cues
%are considered accurate, hence the what cues are set to zero at those
limit1 = find(cfs>1000,1,'first');
limit2 = find(cfs<2000,1,'last');
%the original energy is however stored as the what cue has content also in
%that frequency range
originalEnergy = energyIn;
energyIn(:,limit1:limit2) =0;
%compute the rms value of the input energy so that the output energy can be
%scaled to a similar level
rmsOrig = (sqrt((ones(1,size(energyIn,1))*(energyIn.^2))./size(energyIn,1)));
%scale the "what" cues based on average values obtained with a pink noise
%signal reproduced at 60 dB SPL
load takanen2013_periphenergyaverages.mat -mat
scaledEnergy = energyIn./(ones(dims(1),1)*averageEnerg);
%two different kinds of window lengths are used, namely 3 ms and 50 ms
win2 = hann(floor(0.003*fs))./floor(0.003*fs);
win1 = hann(floor(0.05*fs))./floor(0.05*fs);
%a lowpass filter is used to compute the %envelope of the signal in order
%to compute the gradient
F = [200 500]; %band limits
A = [1 0];% band type: 0='stop', 1='pass'
dev=[10^(0.1/20)-1 0.0001]; % ripple/attenuation spec
[M,Wn,beta,typ]= kaiserord(F,A,dev,fs); % window parameters
%the mechanism employing shorter time frame inspects the overall gradient
%that is computed across different frequency bands by highlighting the
%information at the lowest frequencies. A frequency-dependent gain-factor
%*g* is applied in this process.
l = dims(2):-1:1;
g = -1+2./exp(-l);
%% ------ 1) Analysis with the two mechanisms --------------------------------
% 1.1) compute the gradient information
%compute the envelope with lowpass filtering of the input
envelope = filter(b,1,scaledEnergy);
envelope = [envelope((length(b)/2):end,:);zeros(length(b)/2-1,dims(2))];
%derive the instantaneous derivative by
grad = envelope-[zeros(1,dims(2));envelope(1:end-1,:)];
clear envelope
%employ half-wave rectification so that the analysis is sensitive only to
%the onsets, not to the offsets
grad = grad.*(grad>0);
%the average energy over long time window and the short time derivative
%need to be adjusted to the same range. This is done using the rms values
%of those energies for a pink noise burst in a concert hall
load takanen2013_onsetmultp -mat
%compute the average cue across frequencies from the gradient by weighting
%the lowest frequencies more
tauOfShortFrame = conv((thetaIn.*(grad.*(ones(dims(1),1)*g)))*ones(dims(2),1),win2,'same'...
%set the same average cue to all frequency bands
tauOfShortFrame = tauOfShortFrame*ones(1,dims(2));
%compute also the average energy across frequencies
energOfShortFrame = conv(grad*ones(dims(2),1),win2,'same')*ones(1,dims(2));
clear grad
%and scale the gradient energy using the coefficient
energOfShortFrame = energOfShortFrame.*(ones(dims(1),1)*coeff);
% 1.2) compute the information over a longer time period
%initialize the where and what cue obtained with this mechanism
tauOfLongFrame = zeros(dims);
for i=1:dims(2)
tauOfLongFrame(:,i) = (conv((thetaIn(:,i).*scaledEnergy(:,i)),win1,'same')...
energOfLongFrame(:,i) = conv(scaledEnergy(:,i),win1,'same');
clear thetaIn scaledEnergy
%% ------ Combination of the informations obtained ------------------------
%the where cues are combined by computing a weighted average in which the
%energies are used as the weight. Additionally, the information obtained by
%inspecting the gradients is multiplied with a scalar five in order to
%empasize the onsets on the localization
envelopeWeight =5;
thetaOut = (tauOfShortFrame.*energOfShortFrame*envelopeWeight+tauOfLongFrame.*energOfLongFrame)...
clear energOfLongFrame tauOfLongFrame tauOfShortFrame % reduce memory requirements
%the rms value of the energy obtained with the mechanism employing shorter
%time frame is computed
rms2 = (sqrt((ones(1,size(energOfShortFrame,1))*(energOfShortFrame.^2))./size(energOfShortFrame,1)));
%and scaled to a similar level as the original input. However, for
%visualization purposes, the mentioned energy is multiplied by two so that
%the onsets would be more visible in the resulting binaural activity map
energOfShortFrame = energOfShortFrame.*(ones(dims(1),1)*(2*rmsOrig./(rms2+1e-30)));
%the overall "what cue is formed by combining the original "what" stream
%input to the energy information obtained with the gradient mechanism
energyOut = max(originalEnergy,energOfShortFrame);