data = data_boyd2012
data | structure |
The 'data' struct has the following fields:
'ID' | subject ID |
'Resp' | externalization responses |
'BRIR' | binaural room impulse responses for 4 positions |
'Target' | target stimuli (single and four talker conditions) |
'Reference_1T' | reference stimuli (single talker) |
'Reference_4T' | reference stimuli (four talkers) |
'fs' | sampling rate in Hz |
Mean externalization scores of NH listeners extracted from top panels (1 talker condition) of Fig. 1
AUTHOR: Robert Baumgartner, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
A. W. Boyd, W. M. Whitmer, J. J. Soraghan, and M. A. Akeroyd. Auditory externalization in hearing-impaired listeners: The effect of pinna cues and number of talkers. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(3):EL268--EL274, 2012. [ DOI | arXiv | www: ]