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function obj = hohmann2002_clearstate(obj)
%hohmann2002_clearstate Reset states of hohmann2002 filters
% Usage: filter = hohmann2002_clearstate(filter)
% fb = hohmann2002_clearstate(fb)
% `filter = hohmann2002_clearstate(filter)` resets the states of the
% filter created by |hohmann2002_filter|
% `fb = hohmann2002_clearstate(fb)` resets the states of the
% filterbank fb created by |hohmann2002|
% `delay = hohmann2002_clearstate(delay)` resets the states of the
% delay created by |hohmann2002_delay|
% `synth = hohmann2002_clearstate(synth)` resets the states of the
% sinthesis filterbank created by |hohmann2002_synth|
% Original author: Universitaet Oldenburg, tp (Jan 2002, Nov 2006, Feb 2007)
% Adapted to AMT (PM, Jan 2016) from functions gfb_*_clear_state
if ~isfield(obj,'type'), error('Type of the object missing'); end
case 'gfb_Filter'
obj.state = zeros(1, obj.gamma_order);
case 'gfb_analyzer'
for band = 1:length(obj.center_frequencies_hz)
obj.filters(1, band).state = zeros(1, obj.filters(1, band).gamma_order);
case 'gfb_Delay'
obj.memory = zeros(size(obj.memory));
case 'gfb_Synthesizer'
obj.delay.memory = zeros(size(obj.delay.memory));
error('Unknown type of HOHMANN2002 filter object');