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function [outsig_mfb, fc_mod, outsig_afb, fc] = relanoiborra2019_featureextraction(insig, fs, varargin)
%RELANOIBORRA2019_FEATUREEXTRACTION Creates internal representation based on Relano-Iborra et al. (2019)
% Usage: [out, varargout] = relanoiborra2019_featureextraction(insig, fs, varargin)
% [out, varargout] = relanoiborra2019_featureextraction(insig, fs, flow, fhigh, varargin)
% Input parameters:
% insig : signal to be processed
% fs : Sampling frequency
% flow : lowest center frequency of auditory filterbank
% fhigh : highest center frequency of auditory filterbank
% sbj : subject profile for drnl definition
% Output parameters:
% out : correlation metric structure inlcuding
% The out struct contains the following fields:
% '.dint' correlation values for each modulation band
% '.dsegments' correlation values from each time window and mod. band.
% '.dfinal' final (averaged) correlation
% Description:
% This script builds the internal representations of the template and target signals
% according to the CASP model (see references).
% The code is based on previous versions of authors: Torsten Dau, Morten
% Loeve Jepsen, Boris Kowalesky and Peter L. Soendergaard
% The model has been optimized to work with speech signals, and the
% preprocesing and variable names follow this principle. The model is
% also designed to work with broadband signals. In order to avoid undesired
% onset enhancements in the adaptation loops, the model expects to recive a
% prepaned signal to initialize them.
% References:
% H. Relaño-Iborra, J. Zaar, and T. Dau. A speech-based computational
% auditory signal processing and perception model. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
% 146(5), 2019.
% M. Jepsen, S. Ewert, and T. Dau. A computational model of human
% auditory signal processing and perception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 124(1),
% 2008.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Piotr Majdak and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.0.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Jepsen, M. L., Ewert, S. D., & Dau, T. (2008). A computational model
% of human auditory signal processing and perception. Journal of the
% Acoustical Society of America, 124(1), 422-438.
% Relano-Iborra, H., Zaar, J., & Dau, T. (2019). A speech-based computational
% auditory signal processing and perception model (sCASP). The Journal of the
% Acoustical Society of America, 146(5), 3306-3317.
% #Author: Helia Relano Iborra (March 2019): v4.0 provided to the AMT team
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2021): adapted to the AMT
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2021): adapted to the AMT 1.0
% #StatusDoc: Good
% #StatusCode: Good
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: M-Stats M-Signal
%% Auditory filtering:
if isoctave
warning(['Currently this model is only fully functional under MATLAB.']);
definput.import={'relanoiborra2019'}; % load defaults from arg_relanoiborra2019
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
%% Calculate fc's
if flags.do_erbspace,
fc = erbspace(kv.flow, kv.fhigh, kv.fcnt); % method from Relano-Iborra et al. (2019)
if flags.do_erbspacebw,
fc = erbspacebw(kv.flow, kv.fhigh, kv.bwmul, kv.basef); % method from Osses et al. (2022)
nchannels = size(fc,2);
%% Outer- and middle-ear filtering
b_hp = headphonefilter(fs); % calc headphone filtercoeffs
b_me = middleearfilter(fs);
insig = filter(b_hp,1,insig); % Outer-ear filterring
insig = filter(b_me,1,insig); % middle-ear-ear filterring
% Pre-allocate memory for auditory bands
outsig_afb = zeros(length(insig),nchannels);
for n = 1:nchannels % Filter
outsig_afb(:,n) = relanoiborra2019_drnl(insig',fc(n),fs, kv.subject);
outsig_afb = outsig_afb * 10^(50/20); % Gain to compensate for the Outer/middle ear attenuation
%% Add noise to channels (freq specific):
if flags.do_internalnoise,
int_noise_lvl = [-68.15;-73.05;-74.75;-75.25;-77.45;-77.75;-77.65;-78.15;...
-97.85;-99.65]; % Internal noise levels to account for NH thresholds (single channel)
broadband_compensation = -3.7; % parameter to compensate for use of full filter bank (not needed for single-channel simulations)
int_noise_lvl = int_noise_lvl + broadband_compensation;
for m =1:size(outsig_afb, 2) %For each channel
int_noise = wgn(size(outsig_afb, 1),1, int_noise_lvl(m));
outsig_afb(:, m) = outsig_afb(:, m) + int_noise;
%% 'Haircell' envelope extraction
if flags.do_ihc,
outsig_afb = ihcenvelope(outsig_afb, fs, 'ihc_relanoiborra2019');
% outsig_ihc = outsig_ihc * 10^(50/20); % Gain to compensate for the Outer/middle ear attenuation
%% Expansion (Auditory nerve)
if flags.do_an,
outsig_afb = outsig_afb.^2;
outsig_afb = adaptloop(outsig_afb, fs,'argimport',flags,kv);
%% Modulation processing:
% set lowest mf as constant value. The multiplication by 0 is just an easy
% way to get an array of zeros of the correct size.
mflow = fc.*0;
mfhigh= 1500; % Set maximum modulation center freq. to 1.5 kHz (v1.0 - HRI)
[fc_mod, outsig_mfb] = relanoiborra2019_mfbtd(outsig_afb,mflow,mfhigh,1,fs); % MFB incl 150 LP
outsig_mfb = local_mfbtdpp(outsig_mfb,fc_mod); % Post processing of modulation subbands
function out = local_mfbtdpp(in,f)
% mfbtdpp.m - post processing for modulation filterbank 'mfbtd.m' (Dau et al. 1997) output.
% Gets the real part for centerfrequencies <= 10 Hz and the absolute value
% otherwise.
% Usage: out = mfbtdpp(in,inf,fs)
% in = input matrix from mfbtd.m.
% f = center frequency info vector
% fs = sampling rate in Hz
% [out1,out2, ...,outn] = output matrix
% copyright (c) 1999 Universitaet Oldenburg
% changed by MLJ 25. april 2007
% adapted by Piotr Majdak (2021) to the AMT
for i=1:length(f) % v2 MJ 17. oct 2006
if f(i) <= 10
out(:,:,i) = 1*real(out(:,:,i));
out(:,:,i) = 1/sqrt(2)*abs(out(:,:,i));