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function y = zilany2014_ffgn(N, tdres, Hinput, noiseType, mu, sigma)
%ZILANY2014_FFGN Fast (exact) fractional Gaussian noise and Brownian motion generator
% Usage: Y = zilany2014_ffGn(N, tdres, Hinput)
% Input parameters:
% N : is the length of the output sequence.
% tdres : is the time resolution (1/sampling rate)
% Hinput : is the "Hurst" index of the resultant noise (0 < H <= 2). For 0 < H <= 1,
% the output will be fractional Gaussian noise with Hurst index H. For
% 1 < H <= 2, the output will be fractional Brownian motion with Hurst
% index H-1. Either way, the power spectral density of the output will
% be nominally proportional to 1/f^(2H-1).
% zilany2014_ffGn(...) returns a vector containing a sequence of fractional Gaussian
% noise or fractional Brownian motion. The generation process uses an FFT
% which makes it very fast. This method is based on an embedding of the
% covariance matrix in a circulant matrix.
% ZILANY2014_FFGN accepts the following optional parameters:
% noiseType : is 0 for fixed fGn noise and 1 for variable fGn. [default = 1]
% mu : is the mean of the noise. [default = 0]
% sigma : is the standard deviation of the noise. [default = 1]
% References:
% R. Davies and D. Harte. Tests for hurst effect. Biometrika, 74(1):95 --
% 101, 1987.
% J. Beran. Statistics for long-memory processes, volume 61. CRC Press,
% 1994.
% J. Bardet. Statistical study of the wavelet analysis of fractional
% brownian motion. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on,
% 48(4):991--999, 2002.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Piotr Majdak and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.0.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Copyright © 2003-2005 by B. Scott Jackson
% History:
% Adapted to the AMT: Robert Baumgartner, Piotr Majdak
% Revision: 1.4 Date: November 27, 2012 by M. S. A. Zilany : noiseType
% has been added
% Revision: 1.3 Date: Aug 28, 2008 by M. S. A. Zilany
% Sigma is deifined for diff. sponts (mu) and Resampling has been introduced to be compatible with the AN model
% Revision: 1.2 Date: March 14, 2005
% Rev. 1.2 - 3/14/05 - Added some additional documentation and input argument checking.
% Rev. 1.1 - 9/15/04 - Added the persistent variables and associated "if"-statement.
% Rev. 1.0 - 2/11/03 - Original version.
%---- Check input arguments ---------- %
if ( (nargin < 5) || (nargin > 6) )
error('Requires Five to Six input arguments.')
if (prod(size(N)) ~= 1) || (prod(size(Hinput)) ~= 1) || ~isnumeric(N) || ~isnumeric(Hinput) ...
|| ~isreal(N) || ~isreal(Hinput) || ~isfinite(N) || ~isfinite(Hinput)
error('All input arguments must be finite real scalars.')
if (N <= 0)
error('Length of the return vector must be positive.')
if (tdres > 1)
error('Original sampling rate should be checked.')
if (Hinput < 0) || (Hinput > 2)
error('The Hurst parameter must be in the interval (0,2].')
if (nargin > 4)
if (prod(size(mu)) ~= 1) || ~isnumeric(mu) || ~isreal(mu) || ~isfinite(mu)
error('All input arguments must be finite real scalars.')
if (nargin > 5)
if (prod(size(sigma)) ~= 1) || ~isnumeric(sigma) || ~isreal(sigma) || ~isfinite(sigma)
error('All input arguments must be finite real scalars.')
if (sigma <= 0)
error('Standard deviation must be greater than zero.')
% Downsampling No. of points to match with those of Scott jackson (tau 1e-1)
resamp = ceil(1e-1/tdres);
nop = N; N = ceil(N/resamp)+1;
if (N<10)
N = 10;
% Determine whether fGn or fBn should be produced.
if ( Hinput <= 1 )
H = Hinput;
fBn = 0;
H = Hinput - 1;
fBn = 1;
% Calculate the fGn.
if (H == 0.5)
y = randn(1, N); % If H=0.5, then fGn is equivalent to white Gaussian noise.
% If this function was already in memory before being called this time,
% AND the values for N and H are the same as the last time it was
% called, then the following (persistent) variables do not need to be
% recalculated. This was done to improve the speed of this function,
% especially when many samples of a single fGn (or fBn) process are
% needed by the calling function.
persistent Zmag Nfft Nlast Hlast
if isempty(Zmag) || isempty(Nfft) || isempty(Nlast) ||isempty(Hlast) || N ~= Nlast || H ~= Hlast
% The persistent variables must be (re-)calculated.
Nfft = 2^ceil(log2(2*(N-1)));
NfftHalf = round(Nfft/2);
k = [0:NfftHalf, (NfftHalf-1):-1:1];
Zmag = 0.5 .* ( (k+1).^(2.*H) - 2.*k.^(2.*H) + (abs(k-1)).^(2.*H) );
clear k
Zmag = real(fft(Zmag));
if ( any(Zmag < 0) )
error('The fast Fourier transform of the circulant covariance had negative values.');
Zmag = sqrt(Zmag);
% Store N and H values in persistent variables for use during subsequent calls to this function.
Nlast = N;
Hlast = H;
if noiseType == 0 % for fixed fGn
% rng(16); % fixed seed from MATLAB
randn('seed',37) % fixed seed from MATLAB
Z = Zmag.*(randn(1,Nfft) + 1i.*randn(1,Nfft));
y = real(ifft(Z)) .* sqrt(Nfft);
clear Z
y((N+1):end) = [];
% Convert the fGn to fBn, if necessary.
if (fBn)
y = cumsum(y);
% Resampling back to original (1/tdres): match with the AN model
y = resample(y,resamp,1); % Resampling to match with the AN model
% define standard deviation
if (nargin < 6)
if mu<0.5
sigma = 3;%5
if mu<18
sigma = 30;%50 % 7 when added after powerlaw
sigma = 200; % 40 when added after powerlaw
y = y*sigma;
y = y(1:nop);