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sig_bandpassnoise - Generates a bandpass-noise-type masker


outsig = sig_bandpassnoise(fc,fs,dur,l,bw)

Input parameters

fc center frequency of the bandpass
fs sampling frequency
dur duration of the bandpassnoise in s
l overall level in (db SPL) with a dB-offset of 0 dB
bw bandwidth of the noiseband

Output parameters

outsig the generated bandpassnoise


outsig = sig_bandpassnoise(fc,fs,dur,l,bw) generates a bandpass-noise masker with duration dur (in sec), overall level l (in dB SPL) and with a sampling rate of fs Hz at the center frequency fc. The bandpass has a bandwidth of bw in Hz. The generation is in the frequency domain.

Author: Martina Kreuzbichler