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function signalout = sig_breebaart2001(inttype,fc,sl,sdur,sphase,nbw,nl,ndur,nphase,hannramp,fs)
%sig_breebaart2001 computes the signals for the breebaart2001 experiment
% Usage: signalout = sig_breebaart2001(inttype,fc,sl,sdur,sphase,nbw,nl,ndur,nphase,hannramp,fs)
% signalout = SIG_BREEBAART2001(inttype,fc,sl,sdur,sphase,nbw,nl,ndur,nphase,hannramp,fs)
% generates the signals for the breebaart2001 experiment where
% sinusoidal signals are masked by noise. 'inttyp' determines if it is a
% target interval (signal + noise) or just a reference interval (noise
% only). The sinusoidal has a center frequency of 'fc' (in Hz), an
% overall level of 'sl' (in dB SPL), a duration of 'sdur' (in seconds)
% and an interaural phase difference of 'sphase' (in rad). The masker is
% generated at a center frequency 'fc' in Hz, with a bandwidth of nbw
% (in Hz), duration ndur (in sec), overall level nl (in dB SPL) and
% an interaural phase difference of 'nphase'. Both signal and masker are
% gated with hanning ramps with a duration of 'hannramp' (in s). The
% sampling rate is defined with fs (in Hz).
% Input parameters:
% inttyp : 'target' or 'reference' defines the interval type
% fc : center frequency
% sl : overall signal level
% sl : duration of the signal
% sphase : interaural phase difference of signal
% nbw : bandwidth of the noise
% nl : overall noise level
% ndur : duration of the noise
% nphase : interaural phase difference of noise
% hannramp : duration of the hanning ramps
% fs : sampling frequency
% The following parameters for 'nphase' are possible:
% 'nphase' = 0 no phase difference, correlation = 1;
% 'nphase' = pi masker interaurally phase reversed, correlation = -1;
% 0 < 'nphase' < 1 defines interaural correlation
% Output parameters:
% signalout: the generated experimental signal which can be feeded
% directly into the model
% References:
% J. Breebaart, S. van de Par, and A. Kohlrausch. Binaural processing
% model based on contralateral inhibition. II. Dependence on spectral
% parameters. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 110:1089--1104, August 2001.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Piotr Majdak and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.0.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Author: Martina Kreuzbichler
% generate noise
noise(:,1) = sig_bandpassnoise(fc,fs,ndur,nl,nbw);
% set diotic phase difference for noise masker
if nphase == 0
noise(:,2) = noise(:,1);
elseif nphase == pi;
noise(:,2) = -noise(:,1);
else % set correlation
noise(:,2) = sig_bandpassnoise(fc,fs,ndur,nl,nbw);
noiseL = 0.5*sqrt(2)*sqrt(1+nphase)*noise(:,1) + 0.5*sqrt(2)*...
noiseR = 0.5*sqrt(2)*sqrt(1+nphase)*noise(:,1) - 0.5*sqrt(2)*...
noise = [noiseL, noiseR];
% apply hanning ramps to noise
n_ramp = round(hannramp*fs);
noise= rampsignal(noise,n_ramp);
% set noiselevel
noise = scaletodbspl(noise,nl, 100);
if strcmp(inttype,'target')
signal(:,1) = sin(2*pi*(0:(sdur*fs)-1)'*fc/fs);
% set diotic phase difference for signal
if sphase == 0
signal(:,2) = signal(:,1);
signal(:,2) = sin(2*pi*(0:(sdur*fs)-1)'*fc/fs-sphase);
% apply hanning ramps to signal
signal = rampsignal(signal,n_ramp);
% set signal level
signal = scaletodbspl(signal,sl, 100);
if sdur < ndur
zerolength = round((ndur-sdur)*fs/2);
signal = [zeros(zerolength,2); signal; zeros(zerolength,2)];
signalout = signal + noise;
elseif strcmp(inttype,'reference')
signalout = noise;