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DEMO_BAUMGARTNER2017 - Demo for testing Baumgartner2017.m

This code produces the following output:

                  Sensitivity     Error       Weight                                    Description
                  ___________    _______    __________    _______________________________________________________________________

    MSG             0.421        0.28161       0.25504    'Monaural spectral gradients (c.f., Baumgartner et al., 2014)'
    ISS           0.72861        0.35336      0.055895    'Interaural spectral shape (c.f., Hassager et al., 2016)'
    ISSD          0.45479        0.24862       0.15054    'Interaural spectral standard deviation (c.f., Georganti et al., 2013)'
    ITSD                1            NaN             0    'Interaural temporal standard deviation (c.f., Catic et al., 2015)'
    IC            0.27637        0.23606       0.38409    'Interaural coherence (c.f., Hassager et al., 2017)'
    ITIT          0.80957        0.18184       0.15428    'Interaural time-intensity trading (ITD vs. ILD)'
    SPL            1.7519         0.4995    0.00016465    'Level difference (target - reference)'
    Comb.             NaN        0.15512           NaN    'Weighted sum'
    MSG x ITIT        NaN         0.2067           NaN    'MSG x ITIT interaction'