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EXP_VERHULST2018 - Figures from Verhulst et al. (2018)


output = exp_verhulst2018(flag)


This function can be used to obtain Figures 3C, 5A, or 7A from the paper by Verhulst, Altoe, and Vasilkov (2018). These simulations might take some time depending on the computing power of your computer. On an average laptop the time required to generate Figs 3C, 5A, is of about 5 minutes and of about 8-9 minutes for Fig 7A.

  • Fig. 3C compares the simulated auditory nerve rates using the verhulst2018
    and verhulst2015 models to an AM tone with fc=4 kHz, fmod=100 Hz, and level of 60 dB SPL.
  • Fig. 5A Computes on-frequency average spiking rates of high-, medium-,
    and low-spontaneous rate neurons for pure tones of different level with either carriers of 1 kHz or 4 kHz.
  • Fig. 7A shows the envelope-following response amplitudes to 4 kHz AM tone
    fmod = 98 Hz, and levels between 45 and 80 dB, when the cochlear profile associated to a normal audiogram (Flat00) is used compared to a cochlear profile with a normal audiogram up to 1 kHz and with a sloping hearing loss that produces a hearing threshold of 35 dB HL at 8 kHz (Flat00_Slope35). The EFR amplitude with the Flat00 profile is also compared between a no-synaptopathy condition (all neurons: 13-3-3) and a synaptopathy profile where the low and middle spontaneous rate neurons have been removed (13-0-0).


To display Figure 3c from Verhulst et al. (2018) use


To display Figure 5a from Verhulst et al. (2018) use:


To display Figure 7a from Verhulst et al. (2018) use:



This model is licensed under the UGent Academic License. Further usage details are provided in the UGent Academic License which can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and at <>.


S. Verhulst, H. Bharadwaj, G. Mehraei, C. Shera, and B. Shinn-Cunningham. Functional modeling of the human auditory brainstem response to broadband stimulation. jasa, 138(3):1637--1659, 2015.

S. Verhulst, A. Altoè, and V. Vasilkov. Functional modeling of the human auditory brainstem response to broadband stimulation. hearingresearch, 360:55--75, 2018.