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[fcs,powers] = ewert2000(data,fs)
data | Frequencies of the data, starting from f = 0 |
data | Powerspectrum data to be filtered. |
fcs | Centre frequencies of the filters |
powers | Integrated power at the output of each filter |
Wcf | Matrix containing the frequency-domain squared transfer function |
fig | flag for plotting fitler transferfunctions 1 = yes, 0 = no plotting |
fcs | centre frequencies of the filters |
powers | filter coefficients |
[fcs powers] = ewert2000(data,fig,fs) computes the EPSM-filterbank as presented by Ewert & Dau 2000, without the additional lowpass filter with a cut-off at 150 Hz. This implementation consists of a lowpass filter with a cutoff at 1 Hz, in parallel with 6 bandpass filters with octave spacing. the Center-frequencies of the bandpass filters are lower than the original from Ewert & Dau (2000). In each of the filters data is integrated within the pass-band of the filter to give the power within that filter.
S. Ewert and T. Dau. Characterizing frequency selectivity for envelope fluctuations. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 108(3):1181--1196, 2000.