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joergensen2011_multchansnrenv - calculates the SNRenv


result =  joergensen2011_multChanSNRenv(signal,test,noise,fs,N,T)


Input parameter:
signal : clean input signal test : distorted signal (by noise, reverb etc.) noise : noise signal, processed in the same way as the test signal fs : sampling frequency N : Number of samples in the input signals T : Duration in seconds of the input signals
Output parameter:
result : struct containing the results

The result struct contains the following fields:

'.mod_fcs Center frequencies of the modulation filterbank'

'.outSNRenvs Matrix with an SNRenv value for each modulation filter in each gammatone filter;'

'.sEPSM_ExcPtns (Optional) Modulation excitation patterns'

'joergensen2011_multChanSNRenv' calculates the SNRenv in 7 modulation filters in 22 Gammatone filters with 1/3-octave spacing.