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function [bm,env,GFB] = may2011_gammatone(in,fs,fLow,fUp,nFilter,bEar,bAlign,bInfo)
%may2011_gammatone Auditory filterbank
% Usage:
% [BM,ENV,GFB] = may2011_gammatone(IN)
% [BM,ENV,GFB] = may2011_gammatone(IN,GFB)
% [BM,ENV,GFB] = may2011_gammatone(IN,FS,FLOW,FUP,NFILTER,bEAR,bALIGN,bINFO)
% Input parameters:
% IN : audio object. The gammatone parameter will be initialized
% using the audio sampling frequency.
% IN : mono input signal [nSamples x nChannels]
% GFB : gammatone parameter structure (see gammatoneInit)
% IN : multi-channel input signal [nSamples x nChannels]
% FS : sampling frequency in Hz
% FLOW : center frequency of lowest auditory filter
% (default, FLOW = 80)
% FUP : center frequency of highest auditory filter
% (default, FUP = 5e3)
% NFILTER : number of auditory filters which will be spaced linear in
% the ERB domain. If NFILTER is not a scalar but a vector, the
% first value is assumed to represent the number of auditory
% channels and the following values represents the indices of
% the filters which should be processed. This can be useful if
% a large number of channels is required as MATLAB might run
% out of memory for long signals if all filters should be
% computed in one step.
% (default, NFILTER = round(freq2erb(FS/2))
% bEAR : Adjust gain coefficients of the auditory channels to
% incorporate middle ear effects. Note that this feature can
% only be used if the center frequencies of the auditory
% channels are above 20 Hz and below 12500 Hz.
% (default, bEAR = true)
% bALIGN : phase-aligned gammatone output (non-causal output)
% (default, bALIGN = false)
% bINFO : info flag printing gammatone parameters on the screen
% (default, bINFO = false)
% Output parameters:
% BM : basilar membrane displacement [nSamples x nFilter]
% ENV : instantaneous envelope [nSamples x nFilter]
% GFB : gammatone parameter structure
% Note:
% If only the basilar membrane output "bm" is required, computing
% BM = gammatone(...);
% will be significantly faster then computing the envelope as well:
% [BM,ENV] = gammatone(...);
% The MEX implementaion is based on the source code of the ohio-state
% university:
% Example:
% nSamples = 500;
% % Initialize gammatone parameter structure
% GFB = gammatoneInit(20e3);
% % Filter impulse with gammatone filtering
% bm = gammatone([1; zeros(nSamples-1,1)],GFB);
% % Plot result
% waveplot(1:nSamples,,bm);
% See also: may2011_gammatoneinit
% Developed with Matlab (R2007a).
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Piotr Majdak, Clara Hollomey, and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.1.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Author : Tobias May, 2008-2009
% TUe Eindhoven and Philips Research
% History :
% v.0.1 2008/01/21
% v.0.2 2008/02/04 added phase alignment
% v.0.3 2008/02/09 fixed bug related to center frequency calculation
% v.0.4 2008/05/02 embedded phase alignment into MEX file
% v.0.5 2009/01/24 added audio object and multi-channel support
% v.0.6 2009/02/03 check if envelope is required
% v.0.7 2009/10/10 cleaned up
% v.0.8 2009/10/12 added consistency check for channel selection
% ***********************************************************************
% Check for proper input arguments
if nargin < 2 || nargin > 8
error('Wrong number of input arguments!');
% If two parameters are supplied, check if the second argument is a
% gammatone filterbank structure...
if nargin == 2 && isGFB(fs);
% Set initialization flag to true
bInitOK = true;
% Initialization not completed yet...
bInitOK = false;
% Check initialization flag
if bInitOK
% Copy gammatone filterbank structure
GFB = fs;
% Set default values
if nargin < 3 || isempty(fLow); fLow = 80; end
if nargin < 4 || isempty(fUp); fUp = min(5e3,fs/2); end
if nargin < 5 || isempty(nFilter); nFilter = round(freq2erb(fs/2)); end
if nargin < 6 || isempty(bEar); bEar = false; end
if nargin < 7 || isempty(bAlign); bAlign = false; end
if nargin < 8 || isempty(bInfo); bInfo = false; end
% Initialize gammatone filterbank structure
GFB = may2011_gammatoneinit(fs,fLow,fUp,nFilter,bEar,bAlign,bInfo);
% Check for consistent gammatone channel selection
if length(GFB.filter2Process) > 1 && ...
GFB.filter2Process(1) < max(GFB.filter2Process(2:end))
error(['Inconsistent channel selection. nFilter(1) represents ' ,...
'the total number auditory filters which are linearly ' ,...
'spaced on the ERB axis, whereas the remaining indices ' ,...
'nFilter(2:end) correspond to the auditory channels ' ,...
'which should be processed.'])
% Determine data size
[nSamples,nChannels] = size(in);
% TODO % Enable chunk-based processing by keeping track of filter states
% Check number of output arguments
if nargout > 1
% =====================================================================
% Envelope required
% =====================================================================
% Allocate memory
% Loop over number of audio channels
for ii = 1 : nChannels
% replace the original MEX filename by the AMT MEX filename
if strcmp(GFB.fcnHandle,'gammatoneMEX'), GFB.fcnHandle='comp_may2011_gammatone'; end
% Call gammatone filterbank routine (MEX-file implementation)
[bm(:,:,ii),env(:,:,ii)] = feval(GFB.fcnHandle,in(:,ii),GFB.fs,...
% =====================================================================
% Compute basilar membrane response only
% =====================================================================
% Allocate memory
bm = zeros(nSamples,length(GFB.filter2Process)-1,nChannels);
% Loop over number of audio channels
for ii = 1 : nChannels
% replace the original MEX filename by the AMT MEX filename
if strcmp(GFB.fcnHandle,'gammatoneMEX'), GFB.fcnHandle='comp_may2011_gammatone'; end
% Call gammatone filterbank routine (MEX-file implementation)
bm(:,:,ii) = feval(GFB.fcnHandle,in(:,ii),GFB.fs,...
% TODO % Adjust outer/middle ear gain here to allow various weightings
function out = isGFB(in)
%isGFB Check if input is a gammatone filterbank structure.
% This is a small helper function in order to check if gammatone
% filterbank is initialized properly.
% OUT = isGFB(IN)
% IN : input
% OUT : true/false depending on whether IN is a gammatone structure
% % Create gammatone structure
% p = gammatoneInit(44.1e3);
% % Check
% isGFB(p)
%ans =
% 1
% See also gammatone.
% Developed with Matlab (R2007a). Please send bug reports to:
% Author : Tobias May, 2008
% TUe Eindhoven and Philips Research
% History :
% v.0.1 2008/05/11
% ***********************************************************************
% Check for proper input arguments
if nargin ~= 1
error('Wrong number of input arguments!');
% Initialize output
out = false;
% Check if IN is a structure
if isstruct(in)
% Required structure fields
reqFields = {'fcnHandle' 'fs' 'lowerFreq' 'upperFreq' ...
'filter2Process' 'bOuterMiddleEar' 'bPhaseAlign' 'bInfo'};
% Check if all required fields are present
if all(isfield(in,reqFields))
% Set flag to true
out = true;