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plot_kelvasa2015('fig8a','identifier','BTE','HRTFchannels',[3,4]); plots paper figure 8a using the behind-the-ear microphone channel('BTE')
plot_kelvasa2015('fig8a',varargin); plots figure data for fig8a with updated model parameters specified as key/value pairs in 'varargin'. NOTE: When re-producing figures with new paramters, 'identifier' must be set so previously computed data is not
The following flags can be specified;
'redo' | Recomputes data for specified figure |
'plot' | Plot the output of the experiment. This is the default. |
'no_plot' | Don't plot, only return data. |
'fig5' | Reproduce Fig. 5. |
'fig6' | Reproduce Fig. 6. |
'fig8a' | Reproduce Fig. 8a. |
'fig8b' | Reproduce Fig. 8b. |
'fig9a' | Reproduce Fig. 9a. |
'fig10' | Reproduce Fig. 10. |
'fig12' | Reproduce Fig. 12. |
D. Kelvasa and M. Dietz. Auditory model-based sound direction estimation with bilateral cochlear implants. Trends in Hearing, 19:2331216515616378, 2015. [ DOI ]