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function varargout = sig_dizon2004(Obj,varargin)
%sig_dizon2004 - Stimulus from Dizon and Litovsky (2004)
% Usage: [out,swap] = sig_dizon2004(Obj,leadpos,lagpos,dur)
% Train of 4 noise bursts of duration dur ms every 250 ms emitted by
% two sources on the midsagittal plane with fixed time lag of 2 ms.
% Input parameters:
% Obj : SOFA object for HRTFs.
% leadpos : Direction of leading stimulus. Scalar interpreted as
% elevation. Two-element vector as [azimuth,elevation].
% Default is +30 deg.
% lagpos : Direction of lagging stimulus. Scalar interpreted as
% elevation. Two-element vector as [azimuth,elevation].
% Default is -30 deg.
% dur : duration of inidvidual noise bursts in ms. Default is 50
% ms.
% Output parameters:
% out : binaural output signal mixture.
% swap : binaural output signal mixture with swaped positions.
% References:
% R. M. Dizon and R. Y. Litovsky. Localization dominance in the
% median-sagittal plane: Effect of stimulus duration. jasa, 115(3142),
% 2004.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Piotr Majdak, Clara Hollomey, and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.1.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: Robert Baumgartner, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
definput.keyvals.leadpos = 30;
definput.keyvals.lagpos = -30;
definput.keyvals.dur = 50;
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({'leadpos','lagpos','dur'},definput,varargin);
%% Positions
if length(kv.leadpos) == 2
leadazi = kv.leadpos(1);
kv.leadpos = kv.leadpos(2);
leadazi = 0;
if length(kv.lagpos) == 2
lagazi = kv.lagpos(1);
kv.lagpos = kv.lagpos(2);
lagazi =0;
%% Burst trains
lag = 0.002; % fixed time lag in sec
repRate = 0.25; % burst periodicity in sec
Nrep = 4; % # repetitions
fs = Obj.Data.SamplingRate;
burst = noise(kv.dur/1e3*fs,1,'white');
burst = postpad(burst,repRate*fs);
leadTrain = repmat(burst(:),Nrep,1);
lagTrain = circshift(leadTrain,round(lag*fs));
%% Lead-lag pair
leadSig = SOFAspat(leadTrain,Obj,leadazi,kv.leadpos);
lagSig = SOFAspat(lagTrain,Obj,lagazi,kv.lagpos);
varargout{1} = leadSig+lagSig;
if nargout > 1
leadSwap = SOFAspat(leadTrain,Obj,lagazi,kv.lagpos);
lagSwap = SOFAspat(lagTrain,Obj,leadazi,kv.leadpos);
varargout{2} = leadSwap+lagSwap;