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AMT_CONFIGURATION - Get and set the configuration of the current AMT session


[flags, kv] = amt_configuration;
[flags, kv] = amt_configuration('cacheURL', cU);
[flags, kv] = amt_configuration('silent');
[flags, kv] = amt_configuration('silent', 'normal');


amt_configuration accepts the following optional parameters:

'cacheURL',cU Set the download URL of the cache
'auxdatapath',aP Set the path where the auxdata is stored
'auxdataURL',aU Set the download URL for the auxdata

amt_configuration accepts the following flags:


sets the global cache mode, supported options

  • global
  • normal
  • cached
  • redo

sets the global display mode, supported options

  • verbose
  • documentation
  • silent

amt_configuration can be used to retrieve and set the above parameters. Any parameter set in the functions amt_auxdatapath, amt_auxdataurl, and amt_cache will also be set in amt_configuration and vice-versa.