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DATA_SABIN2005 - Data retrieved from Figures 8-10 of Sabin et al. (2005)


data = data_sabin2005


data_sabin2005 returns percentage of quasi-veridical responses (audible and within 45 deg of the regression line) as a function of sensation level averaged across all listeners.

The data struct comprises the following fields:

'gain' gain of regression line. Field f for frontal targets, field r for rear targets. Field m for across-listener means, field sd for standard deviation across listeners
'pqv' percent quasi-veridical responses (within +-45 deg relative to regression line. Fields as for gain.
'var' standard deviation of quasi-veridical responses from regression line . Fields as for gain.
'SL' sensation level in dB (re audibility threshold)


A. T. Sabin, E. A. Macpherson, and J. C. Middlebrooks. Human sound localization at near-threshold levels. Hearing Research, 199:124--134, 2005.