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Predicting the Colouration between Binaural Signals.
Read in reference and test stimuli from the following paper: McKenzie, T., Murphy, D. T., & Kearney, G. C. (2018). Diffuse-Field Equalisation of Binaural Ambisonic Rendering. Applied Sciences, 8(10). The test compares binaural Ambisonic renders with and without diffuse-field equalisation to HRTF convolutions.
This script also includes an example of a way to plot perceptual spectral difference values.
Spectral difference for all stimuli single values
Spectral difference for all stimuli
Spectral difference for all stimuli single values
T. McKenzie, C. Armstrong, L. Ward, D. Murphy, and G. Kearney. Predicting the colouration between binaural signals. Appl. Sci., 12(2441), 2022. [ http ]